Game Genie Code

Children of Morta - Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes

The following are known Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes for Children of Morta on Nintendo Switch (Switch).

Title ID: 01002DE00C250000
Build ID: 31d92c875b1cca41

[get merv x9999999 on collect]
04000000 0041196C 0098967F
04000000 00411930 180001E1

[get souls x9999 on collect]
04000000 003E2BFC 5284E1F5

[Inf Evade]
580F0000 043B8230
580F1000 000000A0
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000160
780F0000 00000020
640F0000 00000000 50000000

[Inf Health]
580F0000 043B8230
580F1000 000000A0
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 000000B0
780F0000 00000060
680F0000 461C3C00 461C3C00

[Inf Stamina]
580F0000 043B8230
580F1000 000000A0
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000138
780F0000 00000028
640F0000 00000000 4479C000

580F0000 043B8230
580F1000 000000A0
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 000000B0
780F0000 00000048
640F0000 00000000 50000000

[Speed Up]
580F0000 043B8230
580F1000 000000A0
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 000000D0
780F0000 00000028
640F0000 00000000 40400000

Title ID: 01002DE00C250000
Build ID: 592de2f107ec8646

[get merv x9999999 on collect]
04000000 0051B258 5292CFE9
04000000 0051B25C 72A01309

[get souls x9999 on collect]
04000000 001E870C 5284E1F5

Title ID: 01002DE00C250000
Build ID: 657485006bd26747

[01# Inf Health]
040A0000 000F1160 BD406C00

[02# Always have Evade]
040A0000 005C704C 1E2E1000

[03# Inf Stamina]
040A0000 00164FA0 D65F03C0

[04# No Skill Cooldown]
040A0000 0004AAC4 52800020

[05# get merv x9999999 on collect]
040A0000 002E1BA8 5292CFE9
040A0000 002E1BAC 72A01309

[06# Gemstone x9999 on collect]
040A0000 01B4DE6C 5284E1F5

[07# ignore skill points]
040A0000 01B2549C 6B00001F

[08# Ignore gemstone]
040A0000 003EF45C 6B09013F

Title ID: 01002DE00C250000
Build ID: d76cdb57ca4e8a4c

[01# Always have Evade]
04000000 00392E5C 1E2E1000

[02# get merv x9999999 on collect]
04000000 000F9598 5292CFE9
04000000 000F959C 72A01309

[03# Gemstone x9999 on collect]
04000000 00D19AEC 5284E1F5

[04# Inf Stamina]
04000000 00D75450 D65F03C0

[05# ignore skill points]
04000000 00CAEC1C 6B00001F

[06# No Skill Cooldown]
04000000 001F2224 52800020

[07# Ignore gemstone]
04000000 00E2586C 6B09013F

[08# Inf Health]
580F0000 04FAD6D0
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000050
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000110
780F0000 00000060
680F0000 461C3C00 461C3C00

[09# Invincible]
580F0000 04FAD6D0
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000050
580F1000 00000020
580F1000 00000110
780F0000 00000048
640F0000 00000000 50000000

[10# Speed Up]
580F0000 04FAD6D0
580F1000 000000B8
580F1000 00000000
580F1000 00000058
580F1000 00000128
780F0000 00000038
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
640F0000 00000000 40400000

[Always have Evade (off)]
04000000 00392E5C BD401800

[Gemstone x9999 on collect (off)]
04000000 00D19AEC 0B140115

[get merv x9999999 on collect (off)]
04000000 000F9598 B9401909
04000000 000F959C 0B160129

[Ignore gemstone (off)]
04000000 00E2586C 6B09015F

[ignore skill points (off)]
04000000 00CAEC1C 6B15001F

[Inf Stamina (off)]
04000000 00D75450 6DBD23E9

[No Skill Cooldown (off)]
04000000 001F2224 2A1F03E0

Title ID: 01002DE00C250000
Build ID: fe06d69d28f8e34c

[01# Inf Health]
040A0000 0044EA9C BD406C00

[02# Always have Evade]
040A0000 0069254C 1E2E1000

[03# Inf Stamina]
040A0000 001E6C80 D65F03C0

[04# No Skill Cooldown]
040A0000 000733C4 52800020

[05# get merv x9999999 on collect]
040A0000 00293B84 5292CFE9
040A0000 00293B88 72A01309

[06# Gemstone x9999 on collect]
040A0000 0005344C 5284E1F5

[07# ignore skill points]
040A0000 01CB40BC 6B00001F

[08# Ignore gemstone]
040A0000 000436FBC 6B09013F
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