Game Genie Code

Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Continue Game Play
Press A or B within 10 seconds of losing all energy.

Use NTTMMNWLPPBDZ as a password.

Bonus Lives
Stop the game after dropping below two lives remaining to obtain a password. Replace the 5th character of the password to N and then resume the game using the modified password for 3 lives. Replace the 5th character of the password to J and then resume the game using the modified password for 2 lives.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

    Start with 1 life
    Start with 6 lives
    Infinite lives
    Infinite continues
    Infinite spells
    Food gives full energy
    Drink gives full energy
    Start with an axe and helm
    Start with a shield
    Start with Ironsword
    Fleet foot jumping
    Fleet foot running
    Start on Wind Level
    Start on Tree Level
    Start on Water Level
    Start on Outer Fire Level
    Start on Lower Earth Level
    Start on Lower Icefire Mountain


Status and Level Passwords
When using one of the below passwords, you will begin at the associated status.

  • Start with Iron Sword
  • Start with Axe and Helmet
  • Start with Shield
  • Start with All Armor
  • Air Level in the Cloud Area
  • Water Level
  • Water Level in the Water
  • Water Level with Blightwater Spell
  • Fire Level
  • Fire Level with Fleetfoot Spell
  • Icefire Level
  • Icefire Level with Seven-League Boots
  • Final Level

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 51

cheat0_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat0_code = "ZEOSEGAA"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Buy Something And Receive 99 Million Gold"
cheat1_code = "OXOIVKOO"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Buy Something To Also Recieve The Familiar Spell"
cheat2_code = "OXKIXKOK"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Start New Game With Full Magic"
cheat3_code = "NYEAVLAE"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Infinite Keys Once You Collect One"
cheat4_code = "SEOOTISZ"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Infinite lives"
cheat5_code = "OXXANAVK"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Infinite continues"
cheat6_code = "OZUAXPVK"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Infinite spells"
cheat7_code = "GXXSNKVS"
cheat7_enable = false

cheat8_desc = "Food gives full energy"
cheat8_code = "AEEOEAZA"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Drink gives full energy"
cheat9_code = "AAOPNPZA"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Start with axe and helm"
cheat10_code = "LEVEXZAA"
cheat10_enable = false

cheat11_desc = "Start with shield"
cheat11_code = "ZEVAVXNY"
cheat11_enable = false

cheat12_desc = "Start with ironsword"
cheat12_code = "AAOAGUGA"
cheat12_enable = false

cheat13_desc = "Fleet foot jumping"
cheat13_code = "AASIYPLA"
cheat13_enable = false

cheat14_desc = "Fleet foot running"
cheat14_code = "OXKSYUPX"
cheat14_enable = false

cheat15_desc = "Start with 1 life"
cheat15_code = "PENAEZLA+PESEXPLA"
cheat15_enable = false

cheat16_desc = "Start with 6 lives"
cheat16_code = "TENAEZLA+TESEXPLA"
cheat16_enable = false

cheat17_desc = "Start on wind level"
cheat17_code = "LEEEPZAE"
cheat17_enable = false

cheat18_desc = "Start on tree level"
cheat18_code = "GOEEPZAA"
cheat18_enable = false

cheat19_desc = "Start on water level"
cheat19_code = "TOEEPZAA"
cheat19_enable = false

cheat20_desc = "Start on outer fire level"
cheat20_code = "IOEEPZAA"
cheat20_enable = false

cheat21_desc = "Start on lower earth level"
cheat21_code = "LUEEPZAA"
cheat21_enable = false

cheat22_desc = "Start on lower icefire mountain"
cheat22_code = "PUEEPZAA"
cheat22_enable = false

cheat23_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat23_code = "SZVSXGSA"
cheat23_enable = false

cheat24_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat24_code = "ESUXYAEY+SKKZPAVG"
cheat24_enable = false

cheat25_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat25_enable = false

cheat26_desc = "Slow Falling"
cheat26_code = "0074:05"
cheat26_enable = false

cheat27_desc = "Weapon Modifier"
cheat27_code = "0067:00"
cheat27_enable = false

cheat28_desc = "Helmet Modifier"
cheat28_code = "0068:00"
cheat28_enable = false

cheat29_desc = "Shield Modifier"
cheat29_code = "0069:00"
cheat29_enable = false

cheat30_desc = "Have The Sindarin Treasures"
cheat30_code = "00F7:0F"
cheat30_enable = false

cheat31_desc = "Auto Kill Last Bosses"
cheat31_code = "00C8:00+00C9:00+00CA:00+00CB:00"
cheat31_enable = false

cheat32_desc = "Freeze Last Bosses"
cheat32_code = "00C7:00"
cheat32_enable = false

cheat33_desc = "Have Special Item For Each Stage"
cheat33_code = "GENTPTAA"
cheat33_enable = false

cheat34_desc = "Enemies And Projectiles Are Slow"
cheat34_code = "AEUXSOGE+LEKZNPAA"
cheat34_enable = false

cheat35_desc = "Super Jump"
cheat35_code = "OTUIGLSV+PAUIILVE"
cheat35_enable = false

cheat36_desc = "Mega Jump"
cheat36_code = "OTUIGLSV+PAUIILVA"
cheat36_enable = false

cheat37_desc = "Start With And Have Infinite Keys"
cheat37_code = "VTONGTVG"
cheat37_enable = false

cheat38_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat38_code = "006A:FF"
cheat38_enable = false

cheat39_desc = "Infinite Magic"
cheat39_code = "006B:FF"
cheat39_enable = false

cheat40_desc = "Less Vulnerable To Hits"
cheat40_code = "00F4:FD"
cheat40_enable = false

cheat41_desc = "Super Jump"
cheat41_code = "0298:40"
cheat41_enable = false

cheat42_desc = "Infinite Money"
cheat42_code = "0096:0A+008B:64"
cheat42_enable = false

cheat43_desc = "Infinite Keys"
cheat43_code = "006C:08"
cheat43_enable = false

cheat44_desc = "Have Big Sword"
cheat44_code = "0067:06"
cheat44_enable = false

cheat45_desc = "Have Special Item For Each Stage"
cheat45_code = "00F1:04"
cheat45_enable = false

cheat46_desc = "Have Windbane"
cheat46_code = "00EF:0A+00F3:13"
cheat46_enable = false

cheat47_desc = "Have Water Blight"
cheat47_code = "00EF:13+00F3:14"
cheat47_enable = false

cheat48_desc = "Have Fire Smite"
cheat48_code = "00EF:0A+00F3:15"
cheat48_enable = false

cheat49_desc = "Have Earth Scorch"
cheat49_code = "00EF:17+00F3:16"
cheat49_enable = false

cheat50_desc = "Last Stage Shots"
cheat50_code = "00EF:33+00F3:17"
cheat50_enable = false

Preformatted .CHT File (Rumble)

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Wizards and Warriors II: Ironsword on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheat0_address = "106"
cheat0_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat0_big_endian = "false"
cheat0_cheat_type = "0"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_desc = "Energy (Rumble)"
cheat0_enable = "false"
cheat0_handler = "1"
cheat0_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat0_rumble_port = "1"
cheat0_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat0_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat0_rumble_type = "0"
cheat0_rumble_value = "0"
cheat0_value = "111"
cheats = "1"
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