Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Start with 20 tickets instead of 10 - IAEYPYPA
Start with 50 tickets instead of 10 - PAEYPYPE
Start with 90 tickets instead of 10 - VVVNAVSE
Start with 110 tickets instead of 10 - SXUXVXVK
Protection against hits on the Log Ride - SZSEASVK
Protection against hits on the Train - SZOOUXVK
Protection against hits on the Bumper Cars - SXKAYUVK
Protection against hits on the Roller Coaster - SZSALOVK
Protection against hits in the Fun House - AANPYPLA
The Log Ride costs nothing instead of 3 tickets - IANPYPLA
The Log Ride costs 5 tickets - AANPIPZA
The Train costs nothing instead of 2 tickets - IANPIPZA
The Train costs 5 tickets - AANPPPGA
The Roller Coaster costs nothing instead of 4 tickets - TANPPPGA
The Roller Coaster costs 6 tickets - AANPLPPA
The Bumper Cars cost nothing instead of 1 ticket - GANPLPPA
The Bumper Cars cost 4 tickets - AANOZPIA
The Fun House costs nothing instead of 50 normal tickets - PANOZPIA
The Fun House costs 10 normal tickets - PANOZPIE
The Fun House costs 90 normal tickets