Start with 2 lives and 2 credits - IAVAYYLA
Start with 6 lives and 6 credits - YAVAYYLA
Start with 8 lives and 8 credits - PAVAYYLE
Start with 10 lives and 10 credits - OLVYAZOP
Infinite lives - SZENNEVK
Infinite credits - AAUY-PYGA
Infinite energy - ASVTOZAZ
Laser Bolts worth more on pick up - SXNNVEVK
Infinite Laser Bolts - AXUVSZIA
Cold Breath worth more on pick up - AAKYKPPA
Infinite Cold Breaths - ZAUZAYAA
Start in Chapter 1 Level 2 - IAUZAYAA
Start in Chapter 1 Level 3 - OAKNUEEE
Do not lose Laser Bolts when you die - EAKNVEOE
Do not lose Cold Breaths when you die
Note: Do not combine the following two codes.