Start with 1 life - TAXSZGLA
Start with 6 lives - PAXSZGLE
Start with 9 lives - SZUGUYVG
Infinite lives - IAVIAGPA
Start with the Boomerang - LEUAOPZA
Always have Mega-Jump - IEUEKPGA
Better Jumping Boots on pick-up - ZESAPAPA
Super speed - SXUASSVK
Infinite Bombs on pick-up - SZVAESVK
Infinite Molotov Bombs on pick-up - SZNEEVVK
Infinite shots for Sling on pick-up - GAUIZGZA + AGUIYGAZ
Start with 4 Energy cells - AAUIZGZE + EAUIYGAZ
Start with 8 Energy Cells
The Goonies II - Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Goonies II on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
- Prv:Color a Dinosaur
- Next:Battleship
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