Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks
Continue Game Play
Hold A at the game over screen. While keeping that button held, press Start when the title screen appears. Alternatively, hold A and press Start(2) at the title screen.
Hit the flagpole at the end of a level when the last digit of the timer is 1, 3, or 6.
World -1 (Negative World)
Stand on top of the exit pipe on world 1-2 and scroll the screen as far right as possible. Run to the right, then back to the left as far as the end of the pipe, then back again several times. The screen to reveal a blank space on the far right side of the bricks. Jump up and break the only second and third bricks from the right. Place Mario on the pipe with one foot off the edge and face him to the left. Press A to jump, and press Right while he is in the air. Do not break the remaining brick. The back of Mario’s head should hit the brick and pull him in. Walk through the bricks to the right and immediately enter the first pipe on the left.
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).- AATOZA
Both Player 1 & 2 start with 1 life - IATOZA
Both Player 1 & 2 start with 6 lives - AATOZE
Both Player 1 & 2 start with 9 lives - VATOLE
Start with 8 lives for Player 1 and 3 lives for Player 2 - SXIOPO
Infinite lives for both Players - APZLGK
Super-Jump from a standing start only - TPZLTG
Super-Jump from running only - GPZUAG
Super-Jump from turbo running only - APZLGG
Mega-Jump from a standing start only - APZLTG
Mega-Jump from running only - GAZUAG
Mega-Jump from turbo running only - YAZULG
Moon Gravity from a standing start - YAZUIG
Moon Gravity from a running start - YAZUYG
Moon Gravity from turbo running only - OZTLLX + AATLGZ + SZLIVO
Always stay big - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + PEAPYA
Start on World 2 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + ZEAPYA
Start on World 3 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + LEAPYA
Start on World 4 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + GEAPYA
Start on World 5 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + IEAPYA
Start on World 6 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + TEAPYA
Start on World 7 - YSAOPE + YEAOZA + YEAPYA
Start on World 8