- Start With 1 Life
AAXAGAZA - Start With 6 Lives
IAXAGAZA - Start With 9 Lives
AAXAGAZE - Infinite Lives
SZEAYXVK - Immune To Spikes, You Can Get Stuck On Them
GZSYLSSO - Immune To Most Bullets
SLVUYNSO - Full Energy On Big Energy Pick-Ups
AAKLNGZA - Less Energy On Big Energy Pick-Ups
AAKLUGAX - More Energy On Big Energy Pick-Ups
AGKLUGAZ - Always Running
ZEKKXIPA - Immune To Most Collisions
SLKLYVSO - Immune To Fall Damage
Note: There are still some falls in the game that kill you no matter what. - Infinite Shields In First Person Spaceship Scenes
Star Wars - Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Star Wars on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
- Prv:Captain Tsubasa
- Next:Kid Icarus
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