Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Pro Sport Hockey on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Player 1 goals worth 2 - LESUZYPA
Player 1 goals worth 3 - GESUZYPA
Player 1 goals worth 4 - IESUZYPA
Player 1 goals worth 5 - TESUZYPA
Player 1 goals worth 6 - YESUZYPA
Player 1 goals worth 7 - AESUZYPE
Player 1 goals worth 8 - ZENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 2 - LENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 3 - GENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 4 - IENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 5 - TENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 6 - YENLZYPA
Player 2 goals worth 7 - AENLZYPE
Player 2 goals worth 8 - VVNPTOSE
Player 1 starts with 1 point - VVNOPOSE
Player 2 starts with 1 point - ZENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT
Player 1 starts with 2 points - GENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT
Player 1 starts with 4 points - TENPIPAA + VVNOZPNT
Player 1 starts with 6 points - AENPIPAE + VVNOZPNT
Player 1 starts with 8 points - ZENPIPAE + VVNOZPNT
Player 1 starts with 10 points - ZENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT
Player 2 starts with 2 points - GENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT
Player 2 starts with 4 points - TENPIPAA + NVNPYPVT
Player 2 starts with 6 points - AENPIPAE + NVNPYPVT
Player 2 starts with 8 points - ZENPIPAE + NVNPYPVT
Player 2 starts with 10 points