Start with 2 lives - LEVKTYIA
Start with 4 lives - YEVKTYIA
Start with 8 lives - PEVKTYIE
Start with 10 lives - SZKSNIVG
Infinite lives - PENGZYLA
Start with 1 credit - IENGZYLA
Start with 5 credits - YENGZYLA
Start with 7 credits - PENGZYLE
Start with 9 credits - SZOOLGVG
Infinite credits - SZXNUPSA
Protection from most hazards - SZUEAVOU
Cody is weaker - SZSATVOU
Guy is weaker - SZNAGVOU
Haggar is weaker - OXKAXZSX + AOKAUZIA
Gain experience faster (10 points at a time) - OXKAXZSX + AXKAUZIA
Gain experience much faster (20 points at a time) - ALKGOAAG
Cody starts with 3/4 energy - AZKGOAAG
Cody starts with 1/2 energy - APKGOAAG
Cody starts with 1/4 energy - ALKSKTAG
Cody starts with 3/4 energy - AZKSKTAG
Cody starts with 1/2 energy - APKSKTAG
Cody starts with 1/4 energy - GZKGXAAL
Guy starts with 3/4 energy - APKGXAAU
Guy starts with 1/2 energy - GAKGXAAU
Guy starts with 1/4 energy - GZSIXTAL
Guy starts with 3/4 energy - APSIXTAU
Guy starts with 1/2 energy - GASIXTAU
Guy starts with 1/4 energy - GLKGUAAS
Haggar starts with 3/4 energy - AZKGUAAS
Haggar starts with 1/2 energy - GPKGUAAI
Haggar starts with 1/4 energy - GLSSETAS
Haggar starts with 3/4 energy - AZSSETAS
Haggar starts with 1/2 energy - GPSSETAI
Haggar starts with 1/4 energy - EXSEYIKZ + IEVAASLT
Cody is stronger - EZEAYTKZ + IAEEAVLT
Guy is stronger - EZXAYTKZ + LAXEAVLT
Haggar is stronger - EXSEYIKZ + IEVAASLT + AKEASELA
Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - EZEAYTKZ + IAEEAVLT + AGUAKPZA
Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - EZXAYTKZ + LAXEAVLT + AKKEUOIA
Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - OZUEAVOU + AGUEPTVI + XTUEZTNE
Cody is much stronger - OZSATVOU + AGSAYVEZ + XTSEAVEE
Guy is much stronger - OZNAGVOU + AGNAITYI + XTNATVOE
Haggar is much stronger
Note: For the following 2 codes, the experience number may be displayed incorrectly, but it will fix itself. You may also need to
get more than the number shown to go to the next level.
Note: For the following 3 codes are for the 1st life only.
Note: For the following 3 codes are for after the 1st life.
Note: Forfollowing 3 codes are for the 1st life only.
Note: For the following 3 codes are for after the 1st life.
Note: For the following 3 codes are for the 1st life only.
Note: For the following 3 codes are for after the 1st life.