Game Genie Code

Little League Baseball: Championship Series

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Game Progress/Status Passwords

Status                  Password  
Texas, Round One        DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAVYVT 69TM  
Texas, Round Two        DYCUT8 C3VEY9 SAXYVT 09TM  
New York, Round One     CYU9F7 DDFBUX DSDWNV ELCM  
New York, Round Two     AYS9F7 DDFDUX DUBYLX EKCL  
Spain, Round One        XXXY9X 8CV6RS RB8EJU L29Y  
Spain, Round Two        XXXY9X 8CX0TU RDE8JS L38W 

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Little League Baseball: Championship Series on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 8

cheat0_desc = "Team 1 Score Modifier"
cheat0_code = "048C:00"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Team 2 Score Modifier"
cheat1_code = "048B:00"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Strikes Modifier"
cheat2_code = "0487:00"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Ball Modifier"
cheat3_code = "0488:00"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Out Modifier"
cheat4_code = "0489:00"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Hit A Homerun"
cheat5_code = "UPEUYLOG+AGOLPUNI"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Balls Are Strikes"
cheat6_code = "OZUITLEN"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Skip Intro Screen"
cheat7_code = "OXVXSKPX"
cheat7_enable = false
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