Infinite Magic Power - GXSVLGVI
Never lose items - GZKVUASA
Shopkeeper forgets to charge you for items - GXVTZYSA
Never take any damage - LEUYKYPA
Lyll’s strength tripled - AUUYUNZP
Lyll’s jumping improved - LEUYEYPA
Roas’ strength tripled - ZXXNNYGO
Roas’ jumping improved - PEXNEYLE
Xemn’s strength tripled - AXXYNYZP
Xemn’s jumping improved - TEXNKYZA
Menya’s strength tripled - AXXNUYGP
Menya’s jumping improved
Legacy of the Wizard - Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Legacy of the Wizard on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
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