Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks
Continue Game Play
Press A, B, B, A at the Game Over Screen after losing during one of the first three levels of the game.
Level Select
Quickly press Up, Down, A, A, B, Left, Right, A, B, Up, A, Down, Right, Right, Left, B, Up, Left, A, Right, B, Left, Right, A, Left, Up, A, Down, A, Right, Left, A, Start at the Title
Screen. The phrase “Stage 1” will appear next to the airplane landing screen to confirm correct code entry. Press A or B to change the starting level.
Double Tank
Position both players on a tank and press A on both controllers.
Double Helicopter
Position both players on a helicopter and press A + B on both controllers.
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Ikari Warriors on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).- SXXNVUVS
Infinite missiles for the tank - SZONZSVS
Infinite bullets - SXEYZSVS
Infinite grenades - PAUYPTLA
Start with 1 life - TAUYPTLA
Start with 6 lives - PAUYPTLE
Start with 9 lives - SXSNZTVI
Infinite lives - ZUNNLZLT
Start with 50 bullets - LTEYALZL
Start with 99 grenades - PPEYALZU
Start with 25 grenades
Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]
The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Ikari Warriors on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 48 cheat0_desc = "Invincibility (Both Players)" cheat0_code = "KAXTLAEA" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Activates Stage Select Cheat" cheat1_code = "AAEILAAZ" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "More Enemies" cheat2_code = "AESIIIYP" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Start And Continue Each Life With Most Power ups" cheat3_code = "OXSNYXPX" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Faster Gameplay" cheat4_code = "01E9:FF" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Even Faster Gameplay" cheat5_code = "01EB:93" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "P1 Infinite Bullets" cheat6_code = "067F:63" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "P2 Infinite Bullets" cheat7_code = "0682:63" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "P1 Infinite Grenades" cheat8_code = "0681:63" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "P2 Infinite Grenades" cheat9_code = "0680:63" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "P1 Infinite Lives" cheat10_code = "00E4:09" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "P2 Infinite Lives" cheat11_code = "00E5:09" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "P1 Infinite Tank Fuel" cheat12_code = "0683:FF" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "P2 Infinite Tank Fuel" cheat13_code = "0684:FF" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "P1 Power-Ups" cheat14_code = "0674:EF" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "P2 Power-Ups" cheat15_code = "0675:EF" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "P1 Score & Ammo Indicator" cheat16_code = "051A:00" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "P2 Score & Ammo Indicator" cheat17_code = "051B:00" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "Infinite lives" cheat18_code = "SXSNZTVI" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "Infinite missiles for tank" cheat19_code = "SXXNVUVS" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "Infinite bullets" cheat20_code = "SZONZSVS" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "Infinite grenades" cheat21_code = "SXEYZSVS" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "Start with 1 life" cheat22_code = "PAUYPTLA" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "Start with 6 lives" cheat23_code = "TAUYPTLA" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "Start with 9 lives" cheat24_code = "PAUYPTLE" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "Start with 50 bullets" cheat25_code = "ZUNNLZLT" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "Start with 99 grenades" cheat26_code = "LTEYALZL" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "Start with 25 grenades" cheat27_code = "PPEYALZU" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "Invincibility" cheat28_code = "ESVLZYEY" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "Invincibility (Alt.)" cheat29_code = "SXVYAUGK" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "Enemies Die Automatically" cheat30_code = "ASUUSPEL+AAOPYOGP+AAKLAYLY+GXOEATEP" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "Hit Anywhere" cheat31_code = "OKXUEOPX+AEXUOPPA+LUXUUPLO" cheat31_enable = false cheat32_desc = "Bouncing Grenades v1" cheat32_code = "AXSUKSGG+AKSUSIXU+ALKUEIEI" cheat32_enable = false cheat33_desc = "Bouncing Grenades v2" cheat33_code = "OZSUVSSL+GLSUNSAS+XTVLOSZE+LASLUSGA+AXSUKSGG+AKSUSIXU+ALKUEIEI" cheat33_enable = false cheat34_desc = "Bullets Pass Thru Enemies With Damage" cheat34_code = "AOVUKPEI" cheat34_enable = false cheat35_desc = "Long Shot for Bullets" cheat35_code = "ZEXLSGTX" cheat35_enable = false cheat36_desc = "Super Walking Speed" cheat36_code = "PAVNYKPX" cheat36_enable = false cheat37_desc = "Faster Super Walking Speed" cheat37_code = "PAVNYKPX+XTNYPKZK" cheat37_enable = false cheat38_desc = "Extra Fast Super Walking Speed" cheat38_code = "PAVNYKPX+XTNYPKZK+XTNYZKZK" cheat38_enable = false cheat39_desc = "Walk/Shoot Through Walls" cheat39_code = "AAXTELZA" cheat39_enable = false cheat40_desc = "Always Have Bomb Grenades" cheat40_code = "PASNISPX" cheat40_enable = false cheat41_desc = "Remote Control Bullets" cheat41_code = "EVKSEKOY+VVKSOKSS+SXVTEVNN+GUVTOVNN+TEVTXVNY+SEVTUVNN+PSVTKVNY+TEVTSVNY+SEVTVVNN+ZSVTNVNY+TEVVEVNY+SEVVOVNN+LSVVXVNY+TEVVUVNY+AXVVKVNY+ONVVSVNN+SSVVVVNN+AVVVNVNY" cheat41_enable = false cheat42_desc = "Remote Control Grenades" cheat42_code = "EYNVUXVP+VTNVKXKS+SXNTEVNN+GUNTOVNN+TENTXVNY+SENTUVNN+ASNTKVNY+TENTSVNY+AXNTVVNY+VONTNVNN+KSNVEVNN+AVNVOVNY" cheat42_enable = false cheat43_desc = "Invincible" cheat43_code = "04FE:80" cheat43_enable = false cheat44_desc = "Stage Select (Use P-Y)" cheat44_code = "ENGEYA" cheat44_enable = false cheat45_desc = "P1 Score & Ammo Indicator" cheat45_code = "051A:00" cheat45_enable = false cheat46_desc = "P2 Score & Ammo Indicator" cheat46_code = "051B:00" cheat46_enable = false cheat47_desc = "P1 Max Score" cheat47_code = "00AE:09+00B0:09+00B2:09+00B4:09+00B6:09" cheat47_enable = false