You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 7 cheat0_desc = "Invincible" cheat0_code = "PAKIYGYA" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Enemies Dead After Touch You" cheat1_code = "PAKSGLAZ+PAKIYGYA" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives" cheat2_code = "IEEIZGAZ" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Controllable Jump" cheat3_code = "AAVEEVZZ" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Controllable Jump (Bonus Game)" cheat4_code = "AANPZSZP" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Start With 9 Lives" cheat5_code = "PEZKTK" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Infinite Lives" cheat6_code = "SUAIPG" cheat6_enable = false