Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones – Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks
Super Spin-Kick
Begin game play in 2-Player Mode. Position both characters next to each other and execute the circle spin-kick. Both players will lock arms and execute a super kick.
Level Skip
Jump in the air, execute a circle kick and then quickly press A, Start.
Note: This code does not appear to work in the Retail Version of the game.
Continue Game Play
Quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, Start at the Game Over Screen.
Note: This may only be done during missions 4 and 5 once per game.
Note: This code does not appear to work in the Retail Version of the game.
Other Content for Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
- Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones Game Index
- Game Genie Codes
- Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).- Protection For Bill, Jimmy & Chin
SZUUPAAX - More Energy For Billy & Jimmy (100)
GVEPXGGI - More Energy For Ranzou
GVEOXKZG - Less Energy For Billy & Jimmy
ZXEPXGGS - Less Energy For Ranzou
IXEOXKZG - Less Energy For Chin
ZUEONGGT - Start With 20 Special Weapons For Billy, Jimmy & Chin
GOOPKGIA - Start With 40 Special Weapons For Billy, Jimmy & Chin
AXOPKGIE - Start With 40 Special Weapons For Ranzou
AXOONGGO - More Powerful Punch And Weapon, And High Kick!
OZVLGASX - Infinite ‘Special’ Weapons For All
GZXUPUVS - Infinite Shurikens For Ranzou
SIEPTKOO - MUCH More Energy For Billy & Jimmy (231)
NVEPXGGI - Start With 59 Special Weapons For Billy, Jimmy & Chin
NOOPKGIE - Infinte Nunchucks For Billy
SZXUPUVS - Infinite Iron Claws For Chin
SZOZXESS - Billy And Jimmy Start With 255 Health
NNEPXGGS - Chin Starts With 255 Health
NNEONGGV - Ranzou Starts With 255 Health
NNEOXKZK - Bottles Are Broken In Half
SSSSSS - Glitchy Intro Cinemas/Punch Sound Messed Up
KKKKKK - Off-Key Music/No Second Kick Animation (Billy & Jimmy)
EEEEEE - Start With 236 Hit Points
KVEPXGGS - Skips Fight On Mission 1
OOOOOO - Scrambles Text/Some Graphics
OZZYOZ - Keep Character After Death
Note: You must have more than one to work. - Have Chin Enabled
AEULUKYA - Have Ranzou Enabled
AEKLVKAA - Have Jimmy Enabled
AEKNPPIA - Infinite Bottle Use
Note: You have to pick the bottle up before the enemy that dropped it dies and it only lasts for the stage you’re on or if it gets knocked out of your hand. - Billy, Jimmy, And Chin Start With 99 Weapon Uses
LVOPKGIA - Ranzou Starts With 99 Shurikens
Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]
The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 55 cheat0_desc = "Protection for Bill, Jimmy & Chin" cheat0_code = "SZUUPAAX" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "More energy for Billy & Jimmy" cheat1_code = "GVEPXGGI" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "More energy for Ranzou" cheat2_code = "GVEOXKZG" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Less energy for Billy & Jimmy" cheat3_code = "ZXEPXGGS" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Less energy for Ranzou" cheat4_code = "IXEOXKZG" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Less energy for Chin" cheat5_code = "ZUEONGGT" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Start with 20 special weapons for BIlly, Jimmy & Chin" cheat6_code = "GOOPKGIA" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Start with 40 special weapons for Billy, Jimmy & Chin" cheat7_code = "AXOPKGIE" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Start with 40 special weapons for Ranzou" cheat8_code = "AXOONGGO" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "More powerful punch and weapon, and high kick!" cheat9_code = "OZVLGASX" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Infinite 'special' weapons for all" cheat10_code = "AAELIGPA+GZXUPUVS" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Infinite Shurikens For Ranzou" cheat11_code = "SIEPTKOO" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "MUCH More Energy For Billy & Jimmy (231)" cheat12_code = "NVEPXGGI" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Start With 59 Special Weapons For Billy, Jimmy & Chin" cheat13_code = "NOOPKGIE" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "Infinte Nunchucks For Billy" cheat14_code = "SZXUPUVS" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "Billy And Jimmy Start With 255 Health" cheat15_code = "NNEPXGGS" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "Chin Starts With 255 Health" cheat16_code = "NNEONGGV" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "Ranzou Starts With 255 Health" cheat17_code = "NNEOXKZK" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "Off-Key Music/No Second Kick Animation (Billy & Jimmy)" cheat18_code = "EEAEEE" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "Have Chin Enabled" cheat19_code = "AEULUKYA" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "Have Ranzou Enabled" cheat20_code = "AEKLVKAA" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "Have Jimmy Enabled" cheat21_code = "AEKNPPIA" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "Infinite Bottle Use" cheat22_code = "GXKAKKOO+GXKANKOO" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "Billy, Jimmy, And Chin Start With 99 Weapon Uses" cheat23_code = "LVOPKGIA" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "Ranzou Starts With 99 Shurikens" cheat24_code = "LVOONGGP" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "Infinite Energy - All Characters (You Can Still Die By Falling Off Screen)" cheat25_code = "045D:84" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "Infinite Iron Claws For Chen" cheat26_code = "06E3:05" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "Infinite Health P1" cheat27_code = "045D:50" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "Infinite Health P2" cheat28_code = "045E:50" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "Infinite Nunchuks For Billy" cheat29_code = "06DF:05" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "Infinite Shurikens For Ranzou" cheat30_code = "06E1:14" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "Any Enemy Or Boss Dies In Any Knockdown" cheat31_code = "0460:00+045F:00" cheat31_enable = false cheat32_desc = "P1 Character Modifier" cheat32_code = "0074:00" cheat32_enable = false cheat33_desc = "P2 Character Modifier (See Above Note)" cheat33_code = "0075:00" cheat33_enable = false cheat34_desc = "Automatically Beat Level" cheat34_code = "00F6:01" cheat34_enable = false cheat35_desc = "Unlock Chin" cheat35_code = "04D2:FD+04D6:80" cheat35_enable = false cheat36_desc = "Unlock Ranzou" cheat36_code = "04D2:FD+04D5:80+04D7:80" cheat36_enable = false cheat37_desc = "Unlock Jimmy Lee" cheat37_code = "04D1:0B+04D4:81" cheat37_enable = false cheat38_desc = "Unlock Chin & Ranzou" cheat38_code = "04D2:FD+04D5:80+04D6:80+04D7:80" cheat38_enable = false cheat39_desc = "Unlock Jimmy, Chin & Ranzou" cheat39_code = "04D1:0B+04D4:81+04D2:FD+04D5:80+04D6:80+04D7:80" cheat39_enable = false cheat40_desc = "Stage On Map Modifier" cheat40_code = "00B5:04" cheat40_enable = false cheat41_desc = "Weird Level Modifier" cheat41_code = "00F3:BE" cheat41_enable = false cheat42_desc = "Enemies Can't Punch" cheat42_code = "0056:02+0057:02" cheat42_enable = false cheat43_desc = "Infinite Nunchuks (Jimmy Lee)" cheat43_code = "06E0:05" cheat43_enable = false cheat44_desc = "Enemy Modifier 1" cheat44_code = "0076:00" cheat44_enable = false cheat45_desc = "Enemy Modifier 2" cheat45_code = "0077:00" cheat45_enable = false cheat46_desc = "Skip Intro Screens" cheat46_code = "SZNVYZAX" cheat46_enable = false cheat47_desc = "Enemies Die Automatically" cheat47_code = "OXKZVIEU+SXNLOPSP+VXKZNIGA" cheat47_enable = false cheat48_desc = "Skip Story Intro" cheat48_code = "ATKYYTSZ" cheat48_enable = false cheat49_desc = "Start on China" cheat49_code = "PEOYATAA+LAXVALAA" cheat49_enable = false cheat50_desc = "Start on Japan" cheat50_code = "ZEOYATAA+IAXVALAA" cheat50_enable = false cheat51_desc = "Start on Italy" cheat51_code = "LEOYATAA+AAXVALAE" cheat51_enable = false cheat52_desc = "Start on Egypt" cheat52_code = "GEOYATAA+ZAXVALAE" cheat52_enable = false cheat53_desc = "Invincibility" cheat53_code = "PAXEAENY" cheat53_enable = false cheat54_desc = "Invincibility (With Flicker)" cheat54_code = "AZXAIAIA+AAXATAGA" cheat54_enable = false