Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [US]
The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Deja Vu on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 23 cheat0_desc = "'Goods' Highlighter Modifier" cheat0_code = "00C3:00" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "Max Coins In Address/Coat/Goods" cheat1_code = "04AC:FF" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Slot 1 Modifier" cheat2_code = "04C0:00" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Slot 2 Modifier" cheat3_code = "04C1:00" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Slot 3 Modifier" cheat4_code = "04C2:00" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Slot 4 Modifier" cheat5_code = "04C3:00" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Slot 5 Modifier" cheat6_code = "04C4:00" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Slot 6 Modifier" cheat7_code = "04C5:00" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Slot 7 Modifier" cheat8_code = "04C6:00" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "Slot 1 Modifier" cheat9_code = "04C7:00" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Slot 2 Modifier" cheat10_code = "04C8:00" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Slot 3 Modifier" cheat11_code = "04C9:00" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Slot 4 Modifier" cheat12_code = "04CA:00" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Slot 5 Modifier" cheat13_code = "04CB:00" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "Slot 6 Modifier" cheat14_code = "04CC:00" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "Slot 7 Modifier" cheat15_code = "04CD:00" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "Slot 1 Modifier" cheat16_code = "04CE:00" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "Slot 2 Modifier" cheat17_code = "04CF:00" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "Slot 3 Modifier" cheat18_code = "04D0:00" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "Slot 4 Modifier" cheat19_code = "04D1:00" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "Slot 5 Modifier" cheat20_code = "04D2:00" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "Slot 6 Modifier" cheat21_code = "04D3:00" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "Slot 7 Modifier" cheat22_code = "04D4:00" cheat22_enable = false
Retro Achievements
Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See BelowIt Weren’t Me
Found the body in the office upstairs
Found the body in the office upstairs
Teach the Mugger a Lesson
Let’s hope he doesn’t forget it
Let’s hope he doesn’t forget it
Holding Out
The mugger prefers dollar bills.
The mugger prefers dollar bills.
The mugger ran off with your money.
The mugger ran off with your money.
Cheap Death 101
You fell in a hole at the construction site…
You fell in a hole at the construction site…
I Got Your Scoop Right Here
Shot the bum
Shot the bum
Your Muscles Mean Nothing to Me
Shoot the mugger in the alley.
Shoot the mugger in the alley.
Femme Fatale
The woman has shot you
The woman has shot you
You got all bananas at the slot machine
You got all bananas at the slot machine
Lucky 7s!
You hit the jackpot!
You hit the jackpot!
Pop the Hood
Go ahead, do it.
Go ahead, do it.
They Were Different Times
You knocked the woman out. In broad daylight. Near a police station.
You knocked the woman out. In broad daylight. Near a police station.
You Just Had to Make It Worse
You shot the woman while she was unconscious.
You shot the woman while she was unconscious.
No Free Rides
Attempt to leave the cab without paying
Attempt to leave the cab without paying
It’s Bulletproof, Dummy
You attempted to shoot a cabbie
You attempted to shoot a cabbie
What Were You Hoping to Find?
Put the toilet seat back down
Put the toilet seat back down
Putting on the Ritz
Acquired a total of 80 coins by playing slots
Acquired a total of 80 coins by playing slots
The House Always Wins
Lost your last coin to the slot machine and then shot yourself
Lost your last coin to the slot machine and then shot yourself
I Got a Job to Do
The butler has unwillingly allowed you into the estate
The butler has unwillingly allowed you into the estate
Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Attacked the gun shop clerk
Attacked the gun shop clerk
Address Books Were a Thing Once
Obtained all five addresses
Obtained all five addresses
Wake Up!
Punch the woman in the trunk instead of removing her gag.
Punch the woman in the trunk instead of removing her gag.
Alligators in the Sewers
Maybe you just probably imagined it
Maybe you just probably imagined it
Socko Extraordinaire
Foiled the street mugger’s plan for a third time
Foiled the street mugger’s plan for a third time
I Can’t Brain Today
You have died from… amnesia.
You have died from… amnesia.
Surprised in your office
Surprised in your office
Ace Harding!!
You’ve regained your memories
You’ve regained your memories
You’ve Got Some Nerve?
Took the Medrezine in front of the police station
Took the Medrezine in front of the police station
He Finally Bought Bullets
Give the street mugger $20 to avoid certain death
Give the street mugger $20 to avoid certain death
Successfully discarded all evidence [Gun1, Note1, Map, File5] [Must be done in one visit]
Successfully discarded all evidence [Gun1, Note1, Map, File5] [Must be done in one visit]
Way to go, Ace!
You presented evidence against Vickers and Sherman, clearing your name!
You presented evidence against Vickers and Sherman, clearing your name!
Hard Boiled
Cleared your name without continues or viewing the save screen.
Cleared your name without continues or viewing the save screen. is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!