Game Genie Code

Contra - Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Jungle Fever
Clear Stage 1
Bomb The Base
Clear Stage 2
A Salmon With A Spread Shot
Clear Stage 3
In Your Base, Killing Your Dudes
Clear Stage 4
Siberian Warfare
Clear Stage 5
End of The Zoners
Clear Stage 6
Minecart Mayhem
Clear Stage 7
Humanity Saved…For Now
Beat the game
Complete first stage without touching water!
Who Ordered Fries?
Get electrocuted
Anti-Turretism Part 1
Destroy every turret advancing through the Stage 2
Anti-Turretism Part 2
Destroy every turret advancing through the Stage 4
Spiky Sniper
Lie down on the spiky wall in the Hangar
That Old Classic
Enter the Konami Code at the title screen
Fold the Door
Open 1st base. On boss screen use lasers, don’t jump or shoot diagonally
Oculus Drift
Defeat Ocular Fire without destroying any of its projectiles or turrets (No K-code)
I Have My Arms But I Must Scream
Defeat Shadow Beast without hurting its arms or jumping (No K-code)
Phantom Penance
Defeat Phantom without hitting any of its projectiles or destroying turret
Gambol Zero
Make the Anti-Gravity Shuttle reappear 7 times without killing its projectiles
Ever Dance with the Giant with no Moonlight?
Without shooting tease the Armored Giant by moving around and avoiding him
Enemy Behind the Gates
Open the lair staying away from the door and not destroying the mortars
Die-pass Operation
Don’t hurt anything else fighting Emperor Demon Evil Heart Gomera Mosking
There Is No Ammo in the Jungle
Reach the boss on Stage 1 without shooting or dying
There Are No Rounds in the Waterfall
Reach the boss on Stage 3 without shooting or dying (No K-code)
There Are No Bullets in the Energy Zone
Reach the boss on Stage 6 without shooting a single bullet (No K-code)
The Jungle Challenge
Don’t press left in the Jungle and clear the stage (No K-code)
The Base 1 Challenge
Don’t hurt turrets fighting 2nd Boss (No K-code)
The Waterfall Challenge
Don’t press up or down and get to the Boss on the Waterfall stage (No K-code)
The Base 2 Challenge
Enter and clear Stage 4 using only F weapon
The Snow Field Challenge
Get all items on Stage 5 without losing a life
The Energy Zone Challenge
Kill 10 Gunners without hitting any other object in Energy Zone stage (No K-Code)
The Hangar Challenge
Enter and clear Stage 7 using only L weapon
The Alien’s Lair Challenge
Kill Emperor Demon Java without shooting diagonally
Hi-Score Win
Beat the default Hi-Score as player 1 (No K-code)
Hi-Score Freak!
Get 750,000 Points (No K-code)
Walking Tall
Complete the game without crouching (allowed in Energy Zone) Hint-Jump on base stage
Ace Soldier
Clear the game (No K-code)
Don’t pickup any weapon including R and win the game! (No K-code)
Red Falcon Recapitulation
Finish second loop of the game
Alien Master
Win the game with the lives you started with. (fails after 3 deaths) (No K-code) is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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