Action Replay Codes [US]
The following are known Action Replay Codes for Battleship on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).The codes will work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.
- P1 Has Zero Shots
064A:00 - P1 Has 255 Hits
064C:FF - P2/CPU Has 255 Shots
064E:FF - P2/CPU Has Zero Hits
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Battleship on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).- 1 Round Per Level
PEUAUGIA - 3 Rounds Per Level
LEUAUGIA - Each Ship Can Take Only 1 Hit
SZUAOSOU - You Only Have RIM-66 Missiles
SAXAOISP - Start On Level 2
VASASGSA - Start On Level 3
VASASGSA - Start On Level 4
VASASGSA - Start On Level 5
VASASGSA - Start On Level 6
VASASGSA - Start On Level 7
VASASGSA - Start On Level 8
Level Passwords
When entering one of the following passwords, you will begin at the corresponding level.
- Level 1-2: 9946
- Level 1-3: 8472
- Level 1-4: 5535
- Level 1-5: 1929
- Level 2-1: 7390
- Level 2-2: 6501
- Level 2-3: 5340
- Level 2-4: 1536
- Level 2-5: 3328
- Level 3-1: 9537
- Level 3-2: 8777
- Level 3-3: 2037
- Level 3-4: 5289
- Level 3-5: 4174
- Level 4-1: 3500
- Level 4-2: 3642
- Level 4-3: 4412
- Level 4-4: 8379
- Level 4-5: 8182
- Level 5-1: 8004
- Level 5-2: 5529
- Level 5-3: 4524
- Level 5-4: 4797
- Level 5-5: 9376
- Level 6-1: 1553
- Level 6-2: 7850
- Level 6-3: 5669
- Level 6-4: 9381
- Level 6-5: 9374
- Level 7-1: 4653
- Level 7-2: 5012
- Level 7-3: 8831
- Level 7-4: 9457
- Level 7-5: 6098
- Level 8-1: 9617
- Level 8-2: 5036
- Level 8-3: 6297
- Level 8-4: 8629
- Level 8-5: 8397
- Ending: 1992
Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]
The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Battleship on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 22 cheat0_desc = "1 round per level" cheat0_code = "PEUAUGIA" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "3 rounds per level" cheat1_code = "LEUAUGIA" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Each ship can take only 1 hit" cheat2_code = "SZUAOSOU" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "You only have RIM-66 missiles" cheat3_code = "SAXAOISP" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Start on level 2" cheat4_code = "PASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Start on level 3" cheat5_code = "ZASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Start on level 4" cheat6_code = "LASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Start on level 5" cheat7_code = "GASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Start on level 6" cheat8_code = "IASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "Start on level 7" cheat9_code = "TASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Start on level 8" cheat10_code = "YASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Start On Level 2" cheat11_code = "PASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Start On Level 3" cheat12_code = "ZASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Start On Level 4" cheat13_code = "LASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "Start On Level 5" cheat14_code = "GASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "Start On Level 6" cheat15_code = "IASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "Start On Level 7" cheat16_code = "TASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "Start On Level 8" cheat17_code = "YASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "P1 Has Zero Shots" cheat18_code = "064A:00" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "P1 Has 255 Hits" cheat19_code = "064C:FF" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "P2/CPU Has 255 Shots" cheat20_code = "064E:FF" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "P2/CPU Has Zero Hits" cheat21_code = "064F:00" cheat21_enable = false
Retro Achievements
Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See BelowA Taste of War
Win Battles 1-1 through 1-5! Passwords not allowed.
Win Battles 1-1 through 1-5! Passwords not allowed.
Attacks From the Sea
Win Battles 2-1 through 2-5! Only Password Allowed is “7390”.
Win Battles 2-1 through 2-5! Only Password Allowed is “7390”.
Scanning the Deep Waters
Win Battles 3-1 through 3-5! Only Password Allowed is “9537”.
Win Battles 3-1 through 3-5! Only Password Allowed is “9537”.
Air-to-Water Surveillance
Win Battles 4-1 through 4-5! Only Password Allowed is “3500”.
Win Battles 4-1 through 4-5! Only Password Allowed is “3500”.
More Hostile Waters
Win Battles 5-1 through 5-5! Only Password Allowed is “8004”.
Win Battles 5-1 through 5-5! Only Password Allowed is “8004”.
Carrying the Effort
Win Battles 6-1 through 6-5! Only Password Allowed is “1553”.
Win Battles 6-1 through 6-5! Only Password Allowed is “1553”.
Harpoons Hook Ships Too
Win Battles 7-1 through 7-5! Only Password Allowed is “4653”.
Win Battles 7-1 through 7-5! Only Password Allowed is “4653”.
Five Final Battles of Destruction
Win Battles 8-1 through 8-5! Only Password Allowed is “9617”.
Win Battles 8-1 through 8-5! Only Password Allowed is “9617”.
MK-48X Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the MK-48X!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the MK-48X!
Polaris Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Polaris!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Polaris!
Asroc-71 Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Asroc-71!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Asroc-71!
Seadart Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Seadart!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Seadart!
Tomahawk 55M Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Tomahawk 55M!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Tomahawk 55M!
Harpoon 55M Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Harpoon 55M!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Harpoon 55M!
P-3 Orion Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the P-3 Orion!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the P-3 Orion!
Talos Hit
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Talos!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Talos!
Submarine Detected
Successfully locate the enemy submarine using the Sonar!
Successfully locate the enemy submarine using the Sonar!
Ship Detected
Successfully locate an enemy ship using the Aerial Recon!
Successfully locate an enemy ship using the Aerial Recon!
Too Hard to Hit
Win a battle with your Frigate not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Frigate not taking any damage!
You Are Now Free to Destroy
Win a battle with your Destroyer not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Destroyer not taking any damage!
Not Even a Dent
Win a battle with your Cruiser not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Cruiser not taking any damage!
No Sinking This Time
Win a battle with your Battleship not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Battleship not taking any damage!
Traveling Undetected
Win a battle with your Submarine not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Submarine not taking any damage!
Unhindered Plane Transport
Win a battle with your Carrier not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Carrier not taking any damage!
Infinite Weapons, Infinite Mayhem
Win Battle 8-5 with the Infinite Weapons cheat! Use Passwords “0914” and “8397”
Win Battle 8-5 with the Infinite Weapons cheat! Use Passwords “0914” and “8397”
Naval Strategist
Win a battle with an accuracy of 40% or greater!
Win a battle with an accuracy of 40% or greater!
Perfect End
Win Battle 8-5 without missing! “0528” password recommended, battle pass “8397”
Win Battle 8-5 without missing! “0528” password recommended, battle pass “8397”
Wait, How Did You…
Take out the enemy’s submarine on the first attack!
Take out the enemy’s submarine on the first attack! is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!