- 20 Lives
ZAXKZZPA - 30 Lives
LAXKZZPA - Infinite Lives
SXXELOVK - 20 Nuclear Fuel Units
ZAXKYZPA - 30 Nuclear Fuel Units
LAXKYZPA - Quicker Shots
PEKASEPO - Keep Shots
GZKAKGSA - Infinite Fuel
GZOEZZST - Start With 7? (The 2nd Item Over From Your Lives)
YAXKGZPA - Start With Most And A Lot of Items
IAXGAZAA - Starting Location Modifier
Note: You can change the 1st, 2nd, and 8th letter of the code to start at different places. - Start With 9 Trophies, And 9 of Each Item To The Right of The Trophies
PEUKIPAE - Infinite Keys On Pickup
Note: This only works for the keys in the ones column of the key meter. - Infinite Time In Puzzle Rooms
Back to the Future II & III - Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Back to the Future II & III on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
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