Game Genie Code

Adventures of Dino Riki

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Adventures of Dino Riki on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

The codes will work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.
  • Infinite Lives
  • Infinite Hearts (Hits)

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Continue Game Play
Hold Right and press Start at the Title Screen. Alternatively you can press Up + Start at the Game Over Screen.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Adventures of Dino Riki on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

  • Start With Infinite Lives
  • Start With 1 Life
  • Start With 6 Lives
  • Start With 9 Lives
  • Start With Infinite Life Hearts
  • Start With 4 Life Hearts
  • Start With 8 Life Hearts
  • Start Macho (Big), Stay Macho
  • Start As Macho-Riki
  • Once Macho, Stay Macho
  • Start On Stage 2-1
  • Start On Stage 3-1
  • Start On Stage 4-1
  • Start On Stage 4-2
  • Start On Stage 4-3
  • Start On Stage 4-4

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Adventures of Dino Riki on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 40

cheat0_desc = "Start with infinite lives"
cheat0_code = "SZEETTVG"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Start with 1 life"
cheat1_code = "AESEPGZA"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Start with 6 lives"
cheat2_code = "IESEPGZA"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Start with 9 lives"
cheat3_code = "AESEPGZE"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Start with infinite life hearts"
cheat4_code = "SZUENZVG"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Start with 4 life hearts"
cheat5_code = "GESEIGZA"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Start with 8 life hearts"
cheat6_code = "AESEIGZE"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Start Macho (big), stay Macho"
cheat7_code = "VKEAPISA"
cheat7_enable = false

cheat8_desc = "Start as Macho-Riki"
cheat8_code = "VVEAPISA"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Once Macho, stay Macho"
cheat9_code = "IEVASPIG"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat10_code = "0089:02"
cheat10_enable = false

cheat11_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat11_code = "007D:02"
cheat11_enable = false

cheat12_desc = "Partial Invincibility"
cheat12_code = "0057:00"
cheat12_enable = false

cheat13_desc = "Weapon Modifier"
cheat13_code = "009D:01"
cheat13_enable = false

cheat14_desc = "Speed Modifier"
cheat14_code = "002F:02"
cheat14_enable = false

cheat15_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat15_code = "ATLAEZ"
cheat15_enable = false

cheat16_desc = "Don't Fall In Pits"
cheat16_code = "AEKAOPZA"
cheat16_enable = false

cheat17_desc = "Always Be Macho Riki"
cheat17_code = "009A:01"
cheat17_enable = false

cheat18_desc = "Always Have Wings"
cheat18_code = "009E:01"
cheat18_enable = false

cheat19_desc = "Start Giant"
cheat19_code = "KUEAAIEE"
cheat19_enable = false

cheat20_desc = "Be Faster After Falling"
cheat20_code = "ATEEVXOG+LASAVPPA"
cheat20_enable = false

cheat21_desc = "Stay Giant After Falling"
cheat21_code = "AVSAKOOZ"
cheat21_enable = false

cheat22_desc = "Don't Lose Wings After Falling"
cheat22_code = "ATSEOOOZ"
cheat22_enable = false

cheat23_desc = "Invincible"
cheat23_code = "ATEEVXOG"
cheat23_enable = false

cheat24_desc = "Don't Lose Wings After Using Them"
cheat24_code = "IEKEKZVG"
cheat24_enable = false

cheat25_desc = "Start With Double Wings"
cheat25_code = "VOEATIAU"
cheat25_enable = false

cheat26_desc = "Turn Scrolling Off"
cheat26_code = "0004:00"
cheat26_enable = false

cheat27_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat27_code = "0048:00"
cheat27_enable = false

cheat28_desc = "1 Hit Kills Bosses"
cheat28_code = "006B:00+00B1:01"
cheat28_enable = false

cheat29_desc = "Score Modifier"
cheat29_code = "04D4:09+04D5:09+04D6:09+04D7:09+04D8:09+04D9:09+04DA:09"
cheat29_enable = false

cheat30_desc = "Start On Stage 2-1"
cheat30_code = "TKSAAGSA+ZEKEIGAA"
cheat30_enable = false

cheat31_desc = "Start On Stage 3-1"
cheat31_code = "TKSAAGSA+GEKEIGAA"
cheat31_enable = false

cheat32_desc = "Start On Stage 4-1"
cheat32_code = "TKSAAGSA+TEKEIGAA"
cheat32_enable = false

cheat33_desc = "Start On Stage 4-2"
cheat33_code = "TKSAAGSA+AEKEIGAE"
cheat33_enable = false

cheat34_desc = "Start On Stage 4-3"
cheat34_code = "TKSAAGSA+ZEKEIGAE"
cheat34_enable = false

cheat35_desc = "Start On Stage 4-4"
cheat35_code = "TKSAAGSA+GEKEIGAE"
cheat35_enable = false

cheat36_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat36_code = "007D:09"
cheat36_enable = false

cheat37_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat37_enable = false

cheat38_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat38_code = "SZUAEZSA"
cheat38_enable = false

cheat39_desc = "Keep current weapon after being hit and after dying"
cheat39_code = "SZEEXZVG"
cheat39_enable = false

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

I’d Turn Back If I Were You!
Defeat PTERODACTYL at the end of Jungle Land.
Larry the Scary Rex
Defeat TYRANNOSAURUS REX at the end of Desert Land.
Cobra Command
Defeat SPITTING COBRA at the end of Swamp Land.
I Tried to Warn You!
Defeat PTERODACTYL at the end of SUPER Jungle Land!
Stephen, We Did It!
Defeat TYRANNOSAURUS REX at the end of SUPER Desert Land!
Jafar’s Last Wish
Defeat SPITTING COBRA at the end of SUPER Swamp Land!
Defeat MAD HORNET at the end of ULTRA Desert Land!
Get a full bar of 8 hearts! In THIS game!?
I Really Shouldn’t Put This in HyperDrive
Get the maximum speed of three wing-boots!
Maximum Carnage
Get the best weapon upgrade!
Neko Dino Rikimu
Rack up nine lives!
Fly with MACHO RIKI to the end of Jungle Land!
We Just Want to PUMP – YOU UP!
Get Macho Riki in Desert Land to the end of the level!
In Swamp Land, get Macho Riki to the end of the level!
The Bird is NOT the Word
Beat Jungle Land without getting ANY wings!
Desert Soar-vivor
Beat Desert Land without getting ANY wings!
Prehistoric Platforming Perfection
Beat Swamp Land without getting ANY wings!
Encino Man
Become a well-dressed caveman by getting 50,000 points!
Cactus in a Small Sombrero Trying to Play a DS
Get 500,000 points. I have no idea what this is.
How About a Hundred Hours??
Get a whopping 1,000,000 points! Who’s on the title screen now?? is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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