Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks
Level Select
Press Down, Up, Left, Right, B, A, B and A at the Title Screen.
Continue Game Play
Locate the fifth cave on the first island. Keep jumping just past the fifth skill to find a secret room. Collect the Hudson bee logo that is in this room. Hold Left and press Start at the game over screen to continue game play from the last level played with all items.
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Adventure Island 3 on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).- Start With 2 Lives
PESZAALA - Start With 7 Lives
TESZAALA - Start With 9 Lives
PESZAALE - Infinite Lives
SXNLISSE - Keep Items After Dying (After 1st Stage)
GXUUGOSO - Start With 2 Red Taylors
VTVZZESE - Start With 2 Blue Taylors
VTVZIESE - Start With 2 Classies
VTVXAESE - Start With 2 Don-Dons
VTVXLESE - Start With 2 Poleys
VTVXTESE - Start With 2 Boomerangs
VTNZPESE - Start With 2 Axes
VTNZGESE - Start With 2 Invincibility Crystals
VTNZYESE - Mega-Jumping Master Higgins
SUEZEXLN - Get 99 Lives When You Pick Up 100 Fruit
AAKXGTZA - Infinite Power Up Usage
SUUUGOSO - When You Push Start To Enter A Level, You’ll Automatically Complete The Level (Doesn’t Work On Boss Levels)
PAELZE - Makes The Game Harder By Making The Enemies More Aggressive And The Fruit Only Stays On The Screen For A Couple Of Seconds
SXNULS - Auto Brings Up The Stage Select, But It Won’t Let You Exit
SZXZGS - When You Start The Game, Instead Of The UFO Appearing, It’s The 1st Boss
Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]
The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Adventure Island 3 on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 136 cheat0_desc = "You'll Shoot What The Blue Dino Shoots" cheat0_code = "PAPLPE" cheat0_enable = false cheat1_desc = "You Can Swim Thru All Levels" cheat1_code = "AEZGZA" cheat1_enable = false cheat2_desc = "Start With Don Don Equipped, 81 Fruits Collected, And More" cheat2_code = "OEAXIA" cheat2_enable = false cheat3_desc = "Start On Stage 5-1 With 66 Of Each Item" cheat3_code = "GATZPE" cheat3_enable = false cheat4_desc = "Start At Bone Crossing And Have 55 Inv. Crystal" cheat4_code = "PAYZPE" cheat4_enable = false cheat5_desc = "Infinite Items" cheat5_code = "GXZUGP" cheat5_enable = false cheat6_desc = "Energy Bar Does Not Decrease" cheat6_code = "SXOYOSVK" cheat6_enable = false cheat7_desc = "Start with 2 lives" cheat7_code = "PESZAALA" cheat7_enable = false cheat8_desc = "Start with 7 lives" cheat8_code = "TESZAALA" cheat8_enable = false cheat9_desc = "Start with 9 lives" cheat9_code = "PESZAALE" cheat9_enable = false cheat10_desc = "Infinite lives" cheat10_code = "SXNLISSE" cheat10_enable = false cheat11_desc = "Keep items after dying (after 1st stage)" cheat11_code = "GXUUGOSO" cheat11_enable = false cheat12_desc = "Start with 2 Red Taylors" cheat12_code = "VTVZZESE" cheat12_enable = false cheat13_desc = "Start with 2 Blue Taylors" cheat13_code = "VTVZIESE" cheat13_enable = false cheat14_desc = "Start with 2 Classies" cheat14_code = "VTVXAESE" cheat14_enable = false cheat15_desc = "Start with 2 Don-Dons" cheat15_code = "VTVXLESE" cheat15_enable = false cheat16_desc = "Start with 2 Poleys" cheat16_code = "VTVXTESE" cheat16_enable = false cheat17_desc = "Start with 2 boomerangs" cheat17_code = "VTNZPESE" cheat17_enable = false cheat18_desc = "Start with 2 axes" cheat18_code = "VTNZGESE" cheat18_enable = false cheat19_desc = "Start with 2 invincibility crystals" cheat19_code = "VTNZYESE" cheat19_enable = false cheat20_desc = "Mega-jumping Master Higgins" cheat20_code = "SUEZEXLN" cheat20_enable = false cheat21_desc = "Get 99 lives when you pick up 100 fruit" cheat21_code = "AAKXGTZA" cheat21_enable = false cheat22_desc = "Can Use Items Without Having Any" cheat22_code = "OLKLTPLA" cheat22_enable = false cheat23_desc = "Infinite Bee" cheat23_code = "STSNPUAY" cheat23_enable = false cheat24_desc = "Invincible" cheat24_code = "EIOXYPEY" cheat24_enable = false cheat25_desc = "Increase Energy Over Time" cheat25_code = "VVOYOSVK" cheat25_enable = false cheat26_desc = "Don't Die After Energy Is 0" cheat26_code = "ATONYGEI" cheat26_enable = false cheat27_desc = "Don't Die With Spikes" cheat27_code = "AEUZNTPA" cheat27_enable = false cheat28_desc = "Don't Lose Pet When Hitting Spikes" cheat28_code = "SAKZSYVT" cheat28_enable = false cheat29_desc = "Always Have 99 Of Every Item" cheat29_code = "KANXZESE+KANXIASA+KANXYASA+KEEZPASA+KEEZLESE+KEEZTESE+KEEXPASA+OPVZPAAE" cheat29_enable = false cheat30_desc = "At Title Screen, The Cursor Starts In Continue" cheat30_code = "AEKZALPA" cheat30_enable = false cheat31_desc = "Infinite Vitality" cheat31_code = "SKOYOSVK" cheat31_enable = false cheat32_desc = "Invincibility" cheat32_code = "AEVXKGPA" cheat32_enable = false cheat33_desc = "Moon Jump" cheat33_code = "APUZSZEI+GZKXOZEY+GZSZSZEI+XZNXOZVZ+AGNXXZVA" cheat33_enable = false cheat34_desc = "Hit Anywhere" cheat34_code = "AAEZKLLA+OUEXNSOO+OUEXSVOO+GXSXNIEY" cheat34_enable = false cheat35_desc = "Invincibility" cheat35_code = "GXSYYLSZ+SAVNUISZ" cheat35_enable = false cheat36_desc = "Dinosaur/Skateboard Invincibility" cheat36_code = "GXXZNNPZ+GXKXNVPZ+GXSZUVPZ" cheat36_enable = false cheat37_desc = "32 Maximum Health Units" cheat37_code = "AZXZZVYA+AZXZTVYA+AZEZZVYA" cheat37_enable = false cheat38_desc = "64 Maximum Health Units" cheat38_code = "AGXZZVYA+AGXZTVYA+AGEZZVYA" cheat38_enable = false cheat39_desc = "96 Maximum Health Units" cheat39_code = "ATXZZVYA+ATXZTVYA+ATEZZVYA" cheat39_enable = false cheat40_desc = "128 Maximum Health Units" cheat40_code = "EAXZZVYA+EAXZTVYA+EAEZZVYA" cheat40_enable = false cheat41_desc = "254 Maximum Health Units" cheat41_code = "VYXZZVYE+SYXZTVYE+SYEZZVYE" cheat41_enable = false cheat42_desc = "Start a New Game to View the Ending" cheat42_code = "LAEZLSZA+AAEZYIGA" cheat42_enable = false cheat43_desc = "Enemies Continually Hit Anywhere" cheat43_code = "APKZVIEY+GXNXOZEY+AAEZKLLA+OUEXNSOO+OUEXSVOO+GXSXNIEY" cheat43_enable = false cheat44_desc = "Extra Life With Every Fruit Collected" cheat44_code = "GZUXLTEP" cheat44_enable = false cheat45_desc = "Super Jump" cheat45_code = "0086:40" cheat45_enable = false cheat46_desc = "Jump Mid / Walk On Air" cheat46_code = "00BF:C4" cheat46_enable = false cheat47_desc = "Infinite Power Up Usage" cheat47_code = "SUUUGOSO" cheat47_enable = false cheat48_desc = "Infinite Time" cheat48_code = "0390:09" cheat48_enable = false cheat49_desc = "Infinite Lives" cheat49_code = "0394:09" cheat49_enable = false cheat50_desc = "Number Of Fruits Collected Modifier?" cheat50_code = "0395:00" cheat50_enable = false cheat51_desc = "Invincible" cheat51_code = "0081:01" cheat51_enable = false cheat52_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 1" cheat52_code = "0380:09" cheat52_enable = false cheat53_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 2" cheat53_code = "0381:09" cheat53_enable = false cheat54_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 3" cheat54_code = "0382:09" cheat54_enable = false cheat55_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 4" cheat55_code = "0383:09" cheat55_enable = false cheat56_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 5" cheat56_code = "0384:09" cheat56_enable = false cheat57_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 6" cheat57_code = "0385:09" cheat57_enable = false cheat58_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 7" cheat58_code = "0386:09" cheat58_enable = false cheat59_desc = "Infinite Inventory Slot 8" cheat59_code = "0387:09" cheat59_enable = false cheat60_desc = "Area Modifier" cheat60_code = "00D1:00" cheat60_enable = false cheat61_desc = "Inventory Modifier" cheat61_code = "00D9:00" cheat61_enable = false cheat62_desc = "Stage Select" cheat62_code = "00D0:00" cheat62_enable = false cheat63_desc = "Weapon Modifier" cheat63_code = "038D:00" cheat63_enable = false cheat64_desc = "Conditional Invincibility" cheat64_code = "00E5:01" cheat64_enable = false cheat65_desc = "Max Score" cheat65_code = "0391:09+0392:09+0393:09" cheat65_enable = false cheat66_desc = "Auto Hop" cheat66_code = "SGPZXZ" cheat66_enable = false cheat67_desc = "No Audio" cheat67_code = "EUSTVZEP" cheat67_enable = false cheat68_desc = "Fall Slower After Jumping" cheat68_code = "EUVZNZEP" cheat68_enable = false cheat69_desc = "Keep Walking After Letting Go Of Right Or Left" cheat69_code = "EIVZIAEY" cheat69_enable = false cheat70_desc = "Infinite Health" cheat70_code = "EIVYSIEY" cheat70_enable = false cheat71_desc = "Infinite Health (Alt)" cheat71_code = "ESENNIEY" cheat71_enable = false cheat72_desc = "Remove Health Bar" cheat72_code = "ESONUIEY" cheat72_enable = false cheat73_desc = "Remove Lives, Points, And Fruit Counter" cheat73_code = "EYKVOYEI" cheat73_enable = false cheat74_desc = "Float Upwards While Holding A, Let Go To Slowly Fall" cheat74_code = "EYEZSZEI" cheat74_enable = false cheat75_desc = "After You Jump, You Float" cheat75_code = "EPNXIYEL" cheat75_enable = false cheat76_desc = "Fruit Fully Restores Health" cheat76_code = "ELXZLTEP" cheat76_enable = false cheat77_desc = "1 Fruit Counts As 11" cheat77_code = "ESSNOIEY" cheat77_enable = false cheat78_desc = "Don't Kick Eggs" cheat78_code = "EOVZGZEL" cheat78_enable = false cheat79_desc = "Jump Much Higher" cheat79_code = "EYNXSZEI" cheat79_enable = false cheat80_desc = "Makes The Score Counter Display Buggy Coordinates" cheat80_code = "EYEYVGEI" cheat80_enable = false cheat81_desc = "1 Fruit Gives 99 Lives And Lots More Points" cheat81_code = "ESNYOIEY" cheat81_enable = false cheat82_desc = "One-Hit Kill Bosses" cheat82_code = "GGKZVIEN+SAKZNIIK+SZKXEIEO+XTKXOILK" cheat82_enable = false cheat83_desc = "Pass-Through Bubbles" cheat83_code = "XTEXVKOX" cheat83_enable = false cheat84_desc = "Disable Slippery Surface" cheat84_code = "AAKGKGPA" cheat84_enable = false cheat85_desc = "Disable Quicksand" cheat85_code = "OZUZEEPX+AAUZOEYP" cheat85_enable = false cheat86_desc = "Animal/Utility Modifier" cheat86_code = "007C:00" cheat86_enable = false cheat87_desc = "All Animals Can Swim/Go Underwater" cheat87_code = "GKOZANOK+NOOZPYAE+NXOZZYEY+XVOZLNLE" cheat87_enable = false cheat88_desc = "Press Start For Skateboard" cheat88_code = "GNEYPOZV+APNNYPPA" cheat88_enable = false cheat89_desc = "Press Start For Swimming Dinosaur" cheat89_code = "GNEYPOZV+AZNNYPPA" cheat89_enable = false cheat90_desc = "Press Start For Fire Dinosaur" cheat90_code = "GNEYPOZV+ALNNYPPA" cheat90_enable = false cheat91_desc = "Press Start For Ice Dinosaur" cheat91_code = "GNEYPOZV+AGNNYPPA" cheat91_enable = false cheat92_desc = "Press Start For Flying Dinosaur" cheat92_code = "GNEYPOZV+AINNYPPA" cheat92_enable = false cheat93_desc = "Press Start For Triceratops Dinosaur" cheat93_code = "GNEYPOZV+ATNNYPPA" cheat93_enable = false cheat94_desc = "Press Start For Surfboard (Mostly useless)" cheat94_code = "GNEYPOZV+AYNNYPPA" cheat94_enable = false cheat95_desc = "Press Start For Invulnerability" cheat95_code = "SVEYPOZT" cheat95_enable = false cheat96_desc = "Always Have Hammers" cheat96_code = "AYSUYAEI" cheat96_enable = false cheat97_desc = "Always Have Boomerangs" cheat97_code = "YAVLAALA+AISUYAEI" cheat97_enable = false cheat98_desc = "Start With Triceratops Dinosaur" cheat98_code = "ENVZXYEI" cheat98_enable = false cheat99_desc = "Start With Invincibility Shield" cheat99_code = "AAOULOAA" cheat99_enable = false cheat100_desc = "Always Have Invincibility Shield" cheat100_code = "AAXZAPLA" cheat100_enable = false cheat101_desc = "Invulnerability" cheat101_code = "AEEXNGLA" cheat101_enable = false cheat102_desc = "99 Of All Items" cheat102_code = "EYKLYPEI" cheat102_enable = false cheat103_desc = "Enemies Die When You Touch Them" cheat103_code = "AEXZXGIP" cheat103_enable = false cheat104_desc = "Skip Intro Screen" cheat104_code = "OZKXIZEN" cheat104_enable = false cheat105_desc = "Don't Lose Health From Hitting Objects" cheat105_code = "SZOXSNVK+SZXZENVK" cheat105_enable = false cheat106_desc = "Movement Speed Modifier" cheat106_code = "" cheat106_enable = false cheat107_desc = "Axes Everywhere" cheat107_code = "004F:01" cheat107_enable = false cheat108_desc = "Alter Enemy Types & Movements" cheat108_code = "004E:01" cheat108_enable = false cheat109_desc = "Invincibility" cheat109_code = "0081:01" cheat109_enable = false cheat110_desc = "Total Darkness" cheat110_code = "00A8:01" cheat110_enable = false cheat111_desc = "Axes Travel Straight Ahead" cheat111_code = "0079:01+007A:01" cheat111_enable = false cheat112_desc = "Alternate Stage Colors" cheat112_code = "0023:01" cheat112_enable = false cheat113_desc = "Greyscale Graphics" cheat113_code = "0028:01" cheat113_enable = false cheat114_desc = "Slower Descent After Jumping" cheat114_code = "0088:01" cheat114_enable = false cheat115_desc = "Stage Scrambler" cheat115_code = "0007:01" cheat115_enable = false cheat116_desc = "Disable Sound & Music" cheat116_code = "001A:01" cheat116_enable = false cheat117_desc = "Finish Stages Much Earlier" cheat117_code = "008E:01" cheat117_enable = false cheat118_desc = "Health Bar Decreases Slightly Slower" cheat118_code = "NNOYSIKU" cheat118_enable = false cheat119_desc = "Invincibility against Lava" cheat119_code = "AESZSAPA" cheat119_enable = false cheat120_desc = "Start On Area 2" cheat120_code = "PEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat120_enable = false cheat121_desc = "Start On Area 3" cheat121_code = "ZEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat121_enable = false cheat122_desc = "Start On Area 4" cheat122_code = "LEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat122_enable = false cheat123_desc = "Start On Area 5" cheat123_code = "GEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat123_enable = false cheat124_desc = "Start On Area 6" cheat124_code = "IEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat124_enable = false cheat125_desc = "Start On Area 7" cheat125_code = "TEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat125_enable = false cheat126_desc = "Start On Area 8" cheat126_code = "YEKZAGAA+SZNXIASA" cheat126_enable = false cheat127_desc = "Enable Level Select" cheat127_code = "TENZIXZE" cheat127_enable = false cheat128_desc = "Go to Bonus Area After Completing An Stage" cheat128_code = "PEEUXZAA+SEEUSXSX" cheat128_enable = false cheat129_desc = "Return To Stage 2 After Completing Bonus Area" cheat129_code = "AEKUPYGA" cheat129_enable = false cheat130_desc = "Return to Stage 3 After Completing Bonus Area" cheat130_code = "PEKUPYGA" cheat130_enable = false cheat131_desc = "Return To Stage 4 After Completing Bonus Area" cheat131_code = "ZEKUPYGA" cheat131_enable = false cheat132_desc = "Return To Stage 5 After Completing Bonus Area" cheat132_code = "LEKUPYGA" cheat132_enable = false cheat133_desc = "Invincibility against Flames" cheat133_code = "AEKZSGZA" cheat133_enable = false cheat134_desc = "Invincibility against Spikes" cheat134_code = "AEUZNTPA" cheat134_enable = false cheat135_desc = "Fly (keep jump button pressed)" cheat135_code = "EYSXZAEI" cheat135_enable = false
Retro Achievements
Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See BelowCave Secret
Find Area 1-A
Find Area 1-A
Sandy Base
Beat World 1 Boss
Beat World 1 Boss
Accursed Scarab
Beat 1st Boss using Green Dinosaur(Poley)
Beat 1st Boss using Green Dinosaur(Poley)
Hidden Forest
Find Area 2-A
Find Area 2-A
World Traveler
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 2
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 2
Crown of the Woods
Beat World 2 Boss
Beat World 2 Boss
Hanging Weed
Beat 2nd Boss using Blue Dinosaur(Blue Taylor)
Beat 2nd Boss using Blue Dinosaur(Blue Taylor)
Cloudy Haze
Find Area 3-A
Find Area 3-A
Glowing In The Darkness
Beat World 3 Boss
Beat World 3 Boss
Fried Lizard
Beat 3rd Boss using Pterodactyl(Don Don)
Beat 3rd Boss using Pterodactyl(Don Don)
Adventure Finder
Find Area 4-A
Find Area 4-A
Sunken Ship
Beat World 4 Boss
Beat World 4 Boss
What A Croc!
Beat 4th Boss using Boomerangs only
Beat 4th Boss using Boomerangs only
Water Shortcut
Find Area 5-A
Find Area 5-A
Boneyard Evader
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 5
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 5
Bone Graveyard
Beat World 5 Boss
Beat World 5 Boss
Beat 5th Boss using Red Dinosaur(Red Taylor)
Beat 5th Boss using Red Dinosaur(Red Taylor)
Ice Glacier
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 6
Find the Red Pterodactyl in World 6
Hot Ice Passage
Find Area 6-A
Find Area 6-A
Frozen Caverns
Beat World 6 Boss
Beat World 6 Boss
Hermit Crab
Beat 6th Boss using Hammers only
Beat 6th Boss using Hammers only
Beach Coast
Find Area 7-A
Find Area 7-A
Stormy Clouds
Beat World 7 Boss
Beat World 7 Boss
Beat 7th Boss using Dark-Purple Dinosaur(Classy)
Beat 7th Boss using Dark-Purple Dinosaur(Classy)
Bottomless Pit
Find Area 8-A
Find Area 8-A
Cosmic intellectuals
Win the Game!
Win the Game!
Civilization Of Tomorrow
Beat Last Boss(Both Forms) using Hammers only
Beat Last Boss(Both Forms) using Hammers only
Flash Stop
Get the freeze time powerup
Get the freeze time powerup
Fruit salad!
Collect 99 fruits.
Collect 99 fruits.
Catch ’em all!!!
Have at least one of each item in the inventory.
Have at least one of each item in the inventory.
Two-headed Cat
Have 18 lives.
Have 18 lives.
Points, Points!
Get 50.000 points.
Get 50.000 points.
More Points!
Get 100.000 points.
Get 100.000 points.
Tons of Points!
Get 150.000 points.
Get 150.000 points.
Superb Points!
Get 180.000 points.
Get 180.000 points.
Master Hawk
Win any level while riding on Skateboard
Win any level while riding on Skateboard
Get Perfect Bonus in Surfing
Get Perfect Bonus in Surfing
Daylight Jumping
Get Perfect Bonus in Day Spring Jump
Get Perfect Bonus in Day Spring Jump
Get Perfect Bonus in Night Spring Jump
Get Perfect Bonus in Night Spring Jump
Commando Islander
Win any level in World 8 without using items
Win any level in World 8 without using items
Straigh Forward Island
Win the game without shortcuts
Win the game without shortcuts
Man And His Hammer
Win the game without dinosaurs
Win the game without dinosaurs is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!