Game Genie Code

The Sims 2 - Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for The Sims 2 on Nintendo DS (NDS).

Game ID: ASJE-6DC0C2F7

    Max $imoleons
    02169ec4 3b9ac9ff

    Max Sanity While Wandering Around
    021690c8 00064000

    Max Creativity Skill
    22166fbf 0000000a

    Max Business Skill
    22166fc0 0000000a

    Max Body Skill
    22166fc1 0000000a

    Max Charisma Skill
    22166fc2 0000000a

    Max Mechanical Skill
    22166fc3 0000000a

    Max Fuel Rods
    22166f88 00000063

    Max License Plates
    22166f89 00000018

    Max Strange Gourds
    22166f8a 00000063


    Max Money Earned
    02169ec8 3b9ac9ff

    No Money Earned
    02169ec8 00000000

    Max Money Spent
    02169ecc 3b9ac9ff

    No Money Spent
    02169ecc 00000000

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