Game Genie Code

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin on Nintendo DS (DS).

These codes are for the European version of the game.

Game ID: ACBP-E32251AF

    Infinite Health
    d3000000 0211568e
    f211568c 00000002
    d2000000 00000000

    Max Health
    1211568e 0000270f

    Infinite MP
    d3000000 02115692
    f2115690 00000002
    d2000000 00000000

    Max MP
    12115692 0000270f

    Super Fast Level Up
    021156e0 0098967f

    Max/Infinite Gold
    021156e4 0098967f

    Speed Modifier Codes:

    Fast Jonathan
    222243e5 0000002c

    Very Fast Jonathan
    222243e5 00000040

    Fast charlotte
    2222443d 0000002c

    Very Fast Charlotte
    2222443d 00000040

    Very Fast Guy in Armor
    222245f5 00000040

    Very Fast Belmont
    22224545 00000040


    Moon Jump
    a4000130 ff7f0000
    94000130 fffd0000
    020fffe0 ffffb930
    d2000000 00000000

    Infinite Double Jumps
    221000ae 00000001


    Moon Jump
    a4000130 ff7f0000
    94000130 fffd0000
    02100140 ffffb930
    d2000000 00000000

    Infinite Double Jumps
    2210020e 00000001


    Max Attack
    121154e0 000003e7

    Max Defense
    121154e2 000003e7

    Max Strength
    121154e4 000003e7

    Max Constitution
    121154e6 000003e7

    Max Intelligence
    121154e8 000003e7

    Max Mind
    121154ea 000003e7

    Max Luck
    121154ec 000003e7


    Max Attack
    12115530 000003e7

    Max Defense
    12115532 000003e7

    Max Strength
    12115534 000003e7

    Max Constitution
    12115536 000003e7

    Max Intelligence
    12115538 000003e7

    Max Mind
    1211553a 000003e7

    Max Luck
    1211553c 000003e7


    Have All Food Items
    02115118 99999999
    0211511c 99999999
    02115120 99999999
    02115124 99999999
    02115128 99999999
    0211512c 99999999
    02115130 99999999
    02115134 99999999
    02115138 99999999
    2211513c 00000099
    2211513d 00000009

    Have All Weapon Items
    0211514c 99999999
    02115150 99999999
    02115154 99999999
    02115158 99999999
    0211515c 99999999
    02115160 99999999
    02115164 99999999
    02115168 99999999
    0211516c 99999999

    Have All Body Items
    02115174 99999999
    02115178 99999999
    0211517c 99999999
    02115180 99999999
    02115184 99999999
    02115188 99999999
    0211518c 99999999
    22115190 00000099

    Have All Head Items
    02115194 99999999
    02115198 99999999
    0211519c 99999999
    021151a0 99999999
    121151a4 00009999
    221151a6 00000099

    Have All Leg Items
    021151a8 99999999
    021151ac 99999999
    021151b0 99999999
    121151b4 00009999
    221151b6 00000099

    Have All Accessory Items
    021151b8 99999999
    021151bc 99999999
    021151c0 99999999
    021151c4 99999999
    021151c8 99999999
    221151cc 00000099

    Have All Skills/Sub Weapons
    22114f91 00000099
    12114f92 00009999
    02114f94 99999999
    02114f98 99999999
    02114f9c 99999999
    02114fa0 99999999
    02114fa4 99999999
    02114fa8 99999999
    02114fac 99999999
    02114fb0 99999999
    02114fb4 99999999
    12114fb8 00009999

    Have All Relics
    12114fba 00001111
    02114fbc 11111111
    12114fc0 00001111


    121151ec 0000412c

    121151ee 000043e8

    121151f0 000047d0

    Holy Water
    121151f2 000047d0

    121151f4 000047d0

    121151f6 000045dc

    Ricochet Rock
    121151f8 000043e8

    121151fa 000045dc

    Bwaka Knife
    121151fc 000043e8

    121151fe 0000412c

    Yagyu Shuriken
    12115200 000043e8

    12115202 000045dc

    12115204 000043e8

    12115206 000041f4

    Paper Airplane
    12115208 00004064

    Cream Pie
    1211520a 00004064

    1211520c 000041f4

    1211520e 000040c8

    12115210 000045dc

    Steel Ball
    12115212 000043e8

    Wrecking Ball
    1211521c 000043e8

    Aura Blast
    12115222 000045dc

    Rocket Slash
    12115224 000045dc


    Dracula’s Castle Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 0000001e
    d6000000 02114cb4
    d2000000 00000000
    22114d30 000000ff

    Nation of Fools Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 0000000a
    d6000000 02114d34
    d2000000 00000000
    12114d32 0000ffff
    12114d60 0000ffff
    22114d62 000000ff

    Burnt Paradise Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000008
    d6000000 02114d64
    d2000000 00000000
    12114d88 0000ffff
    22114d8a 000000ff

    Forrest of Doom Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000007
    d6000000 02114d8c
    d2000000 00000000
    12114dac 0000ffff

    City of Haze Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000009
    d6000000 02114dcc
    d2000000 00000000
    22114df4 000000ff

    13th Street Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000006
    d6000000 02114df8
    d2000000 00000000
    12114df6 0000ffff
    12114e14 0000ffff
    22114e16 0000000f

    Dark Academy Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000005
    d6000000 02114db0
    d2000000 00000000
    02114dc8 0fffffff

    Sandy Grave Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000009
    d6000000 02114e18
    d2000000 00000000
    22114e40 000000ff

    Forgotten City Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000009
    d6000000 02114e44
    d2000000 00000000
    12114e42 0000ffff
    12114e6c 0000ffff

    Nest of Evil Map: 100%
    d5000000 ffffffff
    c0000000 00000006
    d6000000 02114e70
    d2000000 00000000
    12114e6e 0000ffff
    22114e8c 000000ff

    Low Game Time
    02114f00 00000064

    Enemy Guide Complete
    02114fcc ffffffff
    02114fd0 ffffffff
    02114fd4 ffffffff
    02114fd8 ffffffff
    02114fdc ffffffff

    Item Guide Complete
    d5000000 11111111
    c0000000 00000029
    d6000000 02115014
    d2000000 00000000
    221150bc 00000011

    9999 of All Enemies Killed
    721153ca 0000270f
    d5000000 0000270f
    c0000000 0000009a
    d7000000 02115296
    d2000000 00000000

    HARD MODE: Low Max Health
    8211568c 000000c8
    1211568c 000000c8
    1211568e 000000c8
    d2000000 00000000

    HARD MODE: No Healing Items
    02115118 00000000
    0211511c 00000000
    02115120 00000000
    02115124 00000000
    02115128 00000000
    0211512c 00000000
    02115130 00000000
    02115134 00000000
    02115138 00000000
    1211513c 00000000

    Replace Jonathan into:

    d3000000 02224530
    f22243d0 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Guy In Armor
    d3000000 022245e0
    f22243d0 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Flying Girl
    d3000000 02224480
    f22243d0 00000058
    d2000000 00000000
    022243f4 00003863

    Flying Girl
    d3000000 022244d8
    f22243d0 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Little Girl
    d3000000 02224588
    f22243d0 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Replace Charlotte into:

    d3000000 02224530
    f2224428 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Guy In Armor
    d3000000 022245e0
    f2224428 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Flying Girl
    d3000000 02224480
    f2224428 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Flying Girl
    d3000000 022244d8
    f2224428 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

    Little Girl
    d3000000 02224588
    f2224428 00000058
    d2000000 00000000

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