Game Genie Code

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

AR button-Gold Medal at Defection At Corellia
88130BFF 0003

Ship selector Note 1
80130B21 00XX

Level Select = xx(0-12hex)
800CDA91 0000

Infinite Missiles
8010CA02 0006

Always have 99 kills
80130B65 0063

Constant view changing
80130B68 000B

AR button-Gold Medal at Assault on Kile II
88130B03 0003

Always have 99 kills
80130b65 0063

Infinite Lives
80130AF0 0003

99 Bonus Collected
80130B67 0063

AR button-Gold Medal at The Battle of Calamari
88130B0B 0003

Pause and have a look around (AR button)
88139543 0012

25443 Kills
80130B65 0063
80130B64 0063

Always have 99 Civilian saves
80130b66 0063

AR button-Gold Medal at Blockade on Chandrila
88130B08 0003

AR button-Gold Medal at The Death Star Trench Run
88130B0D 0003

AR button-Gold Medal at Prisons on Kessel
88130B05 0003

Reverse Controls
80130B2F 00FF

Almost no buildings
80130B22 0002

Reverse Controls
80130B2F 00FF

View Changing Code
80130B68 000A

AR button-Gold Medal at Moff Seerdon’s Revenge
88130B0A 0003

Unlimited Secondary Weapon
Click here to download

AR button-Gold Medal at The Search For The Noonnah
88130BFE 0003

Luke’s Face Is Different
8013B39 0001

Always pass mission
80130af4 0001

‘DIRECTOR’ Cheat Activated
80130B42 0001

TM by “Raid on Sullust”
80130b09 0004

AR button-Gold Medal at Rescue on Kessel
88130B04 0003

AR button – Gold Medal at Rendezvou on Bankhesh
88130BFD 0003

Invincible mode
800CDA91 0000

Add sky to Intro
80130B51 0011

AR button-Gold Medal at Imperial Construction Yard
88130B02 0003

Funky Flying
80130B69 00FF

AR button-Gold Medal at Liberation V
88130B00 0003

AR button-Gold Medal at Beggar’s Canyon
88130B0C 0003

Rapid Fire
Click here to download

AR button-Gold Medal at Raid on Sullust
88130B09 0003

99 Bonus Collected
80130B67 0063

Infinite Shields
80137E5D 00AF
81137E5E 0000

AR button-Gold Medal at Escape From Fest
88130B07 0003

AR button-Gold Medal at The Jade Moon
88130B01 0003

‘DIRECTOR’ Cheat Activated
80130B42 0001

naboo star fighter on all levles
80130B21 0008

Disco Mode ( Groovy Baby, yeah)
80130b2c 0008

AR button-Gold Medal at Battle of Hoth
88130B0E 0003

All levels open
80130B2D 007E

AR button – Gold Medal at Ambush at Mos Eisley
88130BFC 0003

Always have 99 Civilian saves
80130b66 0063

AR button-Gold Medal at Battle Above Taloraan
88130B06 0003

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Version 1.0 Codes
Infinite Lives

Infinite Secondary Weapons

Have All Vehicles / Levels

Extra Shields

99 Kills

99 Saves

99 Bonuses

Version 1.1 Codes
Infinite Lives

Infinite Secondary Weapons

Have All Vehicles / Levels

Extra Shields

99 Kills

99 Saves

99 Bonuses

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Fly a Naboo Starfighter
Enter “HALIFAX?” as a passcode. Ignore the incorrect entry sound. Then, enter “!YNGWIE!” as a second passcode. A Naboo Starfighter from Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace will now be between the X-Wing and V-Wing at the ship selection screen and available in any mission that does not require a Snowspeeder or T-16 Skyhopper. To disable this code, enter “HALIFAX?” as a first passcode and anything else as a second passcode.

All Levels and Ships
Enter “DEADDACK” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Infinite Lives
Enter “IGIVEUP” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Control AT-ST
Enter “CHICKEN” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Then, press Z to maneuver the head of the AT-ST. Press A to accelerate, and press B to shoot.

Fly the Millennium Falcon
Enter “FARMBOY” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Fly a TIE Interceptor
Enter “FARMBOY” as a passcode. Then, enter “TIEDUP” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Now at the ship selection screen, highlight the Millennium Falcon and hold Up on the Analog-stick for two seconds. The screen will move behind the Millennium Falcon and allow the TIE Interceptor to be selected.

Fly a Car
Enter “KOELSCH” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Then the V-Wing will be replaced with a 1969 Buick Electra 225 convertible at the ship selection screen.

Increase Difficulty and Use A-Wing on More Missions
Enter “ACE” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

All Power-Ups
Enter “TOUGHGUY” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Alternate Radar Display
Enter “RADAR” as a passcode to indicate differences in altitude with various brightness. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Alternate Title Screen
Enter “HARDROCK”, “BERGOWE”, or “WATZI” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Return to the main menu, wait for the demo to begin, then press A to return to the main menu where Luke will have a different face.

Music Test
Enter “MAESTRO” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Then, enter the “Showroom” screen from the options menu.

View Development Team Photo
Enter “BLAMEUS” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

View Intermission Sequences
Enter “DIRECTOR” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound. Then, enter the “Showroom” screen from the options menu for a new option that allows the intermission sequences to be viewed.

View Credits
Enter “CREDITS” as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, R2-D2 will make a high pitch sound.

Beggar’s Canyon Level
Earn a Bronze medal or better in all missions to fly a T-16 Skyhopper through Beggar’s Canyon on Tatooine.

Death Star Trench Level
Earn a Silver medal in all missions to fly in a trench on the surface of the Death Star.

Battle of Hoth Level
Earn a Gold medal in all missions to fly a Snowspeeder in the Battle of Hoth.

Ship Select
Earn a Gold medal in the Battle of Hoth level to select most ships in any mission.

GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Unlock All Levels & Ships80130B4D 007E
Infinite Lives80130B10 0008
Infinite Health [1]81137E7C 4316
Infinite Secondary Weapons8010CA32 0008
Extra Shields81137E7C 4316
99 Kills80130B85 0063
99 Saves80130B86 0063
99 Bonus Collected80130B87 0063
Press GS Button For Medal Won
Ambush at Mos Eisley88130B1C 00??
Rendezvou on Bankhesh88130B1D 00??
The Search For The Noonnah88130B1E 00??
Defection At Corellia88130B1F 00??
Liberation V88130B20 00??
The Jade Moon88130B21 00??
Imperial Construction Yard88130B22 00??
Assault on Kile II88130B23 00??
Rescue on Kessel88130B24 00??
Prisons on Kessel88130B25 00??
Battle Above Taloraan88130B26 00??
Escape From Fest88130B27 00??
Blockade on Chandrila88130B28 00??
Raid on Sullust88130B29 00??
Moff Seerdon’s Revenge88130B2A 00??
The Battle of Calamari88130B2B 00??
Beggar’s Canyon88130B2C 00??
The Death Star Trench Run88130B2D 00??
Battle of Hoth88130B2E 00??
Quantity Digits to Accompany Medal Modifier Codes
00 – None
01 – Bronze Medal
02 – Silver Medal
03 – Gold Medal

[1]: You can still die by running into something head on.

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