Game Genie Code

Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo - GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Please Note: You must have a version 3.0 or higher of the GameShark to use these codes.

Enable Code (Must Be On)F100093A 0120
EE000000 0000
Infinite Lives80067533 0003
Start With 9 Lives8005C880 0009
Activate Cheat Modifier 18104C628 ????
Activate Cheat Modifier 28004C62A 00??
Escape From Theed Codes
Infinite HealthD01F1760 0080
811F1764 43FA
Infinite MissilesD01F187C 0041
801F187B 000A
Neimoidian Plunder Codes
Infinite HealthD01E1000 0080
811E1004 43FA
Infinite MissilesD01E111C 0041
801E111B 000A
Naboo Bayou Codes
Infinite HealthD01E46B0 0080
801E46B4 43FA
Infinite MissilesD01E47CC 0041
801E47CB 000A
Smuggler Alliance Codes
Infinite HealthD01F1B90 0080
801F1B94 43FA
Infinite MissilesD01F1CAC 0041
801F1CAB 000A
Quantity Digits to Accompany Activate Cheat Modifier 1 Code
0001 – ?
0002 – ?
0004 – Programmers Commentary
0008 – ?
0010 – ?
0020 – ?
0040 – ?
0080 – Homing Missiles
0100 – ?
0200 – More Powerful Missiles?
0400 – ?
0800 – ?
1000 – ?
2000 – ?
4000 – One-Hit Death
8000 – Advanced Shields
FFFF – All Of The Above
Quantity Digits to Accompany Activate Cheat Modifier 2 Code
01 – All Levels
02 – All Levels + Bonus Level
04 – All Levels + 2 Bonus Levels
08 – All Levels + 3 Bonus Levels
10 – Pink Ship
20 – All Ships
40 – ?
80 – 2x Missiles
FF – All Of The Above
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