Game Genie Code

Rampage 2: Universal Tour

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Rampage 2: Universal Tour on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Enable George

Infinite Health Boris

Infinite Health Curtis

Infinite Health Ruby

Infinite Lives Boris

Infinite Lives Curtis

Infinite Lives Ruby

Enable Lizzie

Enable Ralph

Infinite Health George

Infinite Health Lizzie

Infinite Health Ralph

Infinite Lives George

Infinite Lives Lizzie

Infinite Lives Ralph

Always Full Special Boris

Always Full Special Curtis

Always Full Special Ruby

Always Full Special George

Always Full Special Lizzie

Always Full Special Myukus

Always Full Special Ralph

Enable Myukus

Infinite Health Myukus

Infinite Lives Myukus

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Option
Enter “BVGGY” as a password to unlock a “Cheats” selection on the options menu.

Play as George
Enter “SM14N” as a password.

Play as Lizzie
Enter “S4VRS” as a password.

Play as Ralph
Enter “LVPVS” as a password.

Play as Myukus
Enter “N0T3T” as a password.

Play as Alternate Myukus
Enter “B1G4L” as a password to play as a purple version of Myukus with perfect stats.

Play as Noob Myukus
Enter “SRY3D” as password.

GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Rampage 2: Universal Tour on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Unlock George8118CF92 0000
Unlock Lizzie8118CF94 0000
Unlock Ralph8118CF96 0000
Unlock Myukus8118CF98 0000
Infinite Time to Choose a Character8118CF9A 06CB
Curtis Codes
Infinite Lives811541B4 0063
Infinite Health811541B8 0044
75% HealthD01541B9 0044
811541B8 0033
50% HealthD01541B9 0044
811541B8 0022
25% HealthD01541B9 0044
811541B8 0011
No Health811541B8 0000
One-Hit DeathD01541B9 0044
811541B8 0001
Infinite Special811541C0 0044
No Special811541C0 0000
Score Modifier811541EA ????
Max Score811541E8 000F
811541EA 423F
Boris Codes
Infinite Lives811543D0 0063
Infinite Health811543D4 0044
75% HealthD01543D5 0044
811543D4 0033
50% HealthD01543D5 0044
811543D4 0022
25% HealthD01543D5 0044
811543D4 0011
No Health811543D4 0000
One-Hit DeathD01543D5 0044
811543D4 0001
Infinite Special811543DC 0044
No Special811543DC 0000
Score Modifier81154406 ????
Max Score81154404 000F
81154406 423F
Ruby Codes
Infinite Lives811545EC 0063
Infinite Health811545F0 0044
75% HealthD01545F1 0044
811545F0 0033
50% HealthD01545F1 0044
811545F0 0022
25% HealthD01545F1 0044
811545F0 0011
No Health811545F0 0000
One-Hit DeathD01545F1 0044
811545F0 0001
Infinite Special811545F8 0044
No Special81154F58 0000
Score Modifier81154622 ????
Max Score81154620 000F
81154622 423F
George Codes
Infinite Lives81154808 0063
Infinite Health8115480C 0044
75% HealthD015480D 0044
8115480C 0033
50% HealthD015480D 0044
8115480C 0022
25% HealthD015480D 0044
8115480C 0011
No Health8115480C 0000
One-Hit DeathD015480D 0044
8115480C 0001
Infinite Special81154814 0044
No Special81154814 0000
Score Modifier8115483E ????
Max Score8115483C 000F
8115483E 423F
Lizzie Codes
Infinite Lives81154A24 0063
Infinite Health81154A28 0044
75% HealthD0154A29 0044
81154A28 0033
50% HealthD0154A29 0044
81154A28 0022
25% HealthD0154A29 0044
81154A28 0011
No Health81154A28 0000
One-Hit DeathD0154A29 0044
81154A28 0001
Infinite Special81154A30 0044
No Special81154A30 0000
Score Modifier81154A5A ????
Max Score81154A58 000F
81154A5A 423F
Ralph Codes
Infinite Lives81154C40 0063
Infinite Health81154C44 0044
75% HealthD0154C45 0044
81154C44 0033
50% HealthD0154C45 0044
81154C44 0022
25% HealthD0154C45 0044
81154C44 0011
No Health81154C44 0000
One-Hit DeathD0154C45 0044
81154C44 0001
Infinite Special81154C4C 0044
No Special81154C4C 0000
Score Modifier81154C76 ????
Max Score81154C74 000F
81154C76 423F
Myukus Codes
Infinite Lives81154E5C 0063
Infinite Health81154E60 0044
75% HealthD0154E61 0044
81154E60 0033
50% HealthD0154E61 0044
81154E60 0022
25% HealthD0154E61 0044
81154E60 0011
No Health81154E60 0000
One-Hit DeathD0154E61 0044
81154E60 0001
Infinite Special81154E68 0044
No Special81154E68 0000
Score Modifier81154E92 ????
Max Score81154E90 000F
81154E92 423F
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