Game Genie Code

Pokemon Stadium - GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Pokemon Stadium on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Please Note: You must have a version 3.0 or higher of the GameShark to use these codes.

Enable Code (Must Be On)DE000400 0000
Infinite HP All Pokémon81285A10 007F
Player 1 First Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP800AE562 03E7
Max HP810AE586 03E7
Level 99800AE584 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE580 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE581 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE582 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE583 00FF
Player 1 Second Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP800AE5B6 03E7
Max HP810AE5DA 03E7
Level 99800AE5D8 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE5D4 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE5D5 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE5D6 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE5D7 00FF
Player 1 Third Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP800AE60A 03E7
Max HP810AE62E 03E7
Level 99800AE62C 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE628 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE629 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE62A 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE62B 00FF
Player 2 First Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP810AE65E 03E7
Max HP810AE682 03E7
Level 99800AE680 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE67C 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE67D 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE67E 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE67F 00FF
Player 2 Second Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP810AE6B2 03E7
Max HP810AE6D6 03E7
Level 99800AE6D4 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE6D0 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE6D1 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE6D2 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE6D3 00FF
Player 2 Third Pokémon Codes
Infinite HP810AE706 03E7
Max HP810AE72A 03E7
Level 99800AE728 0063
Infinite 1st Spell800AE724 00FF
Infinite 2nd Spell800AE725 00FF
Infinite 3rd Spell800AE726 00FF
Infinite 4th Spell800AE727 00FF
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