Game Genie Code


Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Paperboy on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Health

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Level Select
Enter “MAXSUBS” as a code. After this code is activated, enter the Alice’s RV Haven level. The game will automatically mark the level as completed. Exit the level to unlock all remaining levels in the game. Alternately, enter “OBVIOUS” as a code.

Enter “INVINC” as a code.

Infinite Papers On All Levels
Enter “NOBUNDLE” as a code.

View All Headlines
Enter “HEADLINE” as a code.

Super Jump
Enter “MOON” as a code.

Super Jump Springs
Enter “ALLJUMP” as a code.

Rocket Boosters
Enter “GOFAST” as a code.

Turbo Mode
Enter “RUSH” as a code.

Slow-Motion Mode
Enter “WAKING” as a code.

Frame-by-Frame Mode
Enter “UNTIMED” as a code. Then while playing the game, press C-Right to advance to the next frame.

Near-Sighted Mode
Enter “MAGOO” as a code.

Invisible Obstacles
Enter “JUMBLE” as a code.

Screaming Obstacles
Enter “SCREAM” as a code.

Cartoon Sounds
Enter “THUMP” or “THUNK” as a code.

Random Paper Tossing
Enter “RANDOM” as a code to hit the nearest object that will react (such as a homing device) on a power throw.

Throw Papers Backwards
Enter “BACKWARD” as a code.

Throw Papers Directly in Front of Character
Enter “FRONTS” as a code.

Throw Papers at 90° Angle
Enter “SIDES” as a code.

Big Newspapers
Enter “SUNDAY” as a code.

Small Paperboy/Papergirl
Enter “LITTLE” as a code.

GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Paperboy on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Health8006A5D2 0064
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