Game Genie Code

Off Road Challenge - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

El Cajon Track
At the track selection screen, hold Up on the controller and press L + R. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of an air wrench. Now highlight the El Paso track, hold Z and press the gas button.

Flagstaff Track
At the track selection screen, hold Left on the controller and press L. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of an air wrench. Now highlight the Mojave track, hold Z and press the gas button.

Guadalupe Track
At the track selection screen, hold Down on the controller and press R. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of an air wrench. Now highlight the Vegas track, hold Z and press the gas button.

Quick Start
At the starting line, just before the word “Set” fully disappears from the screen, press A.

Bonus Trucks
Press one of the following buttons below at the vehicle selection screen to get the corresponding truck…

Button	Truck
C-Up	4x4 Monster
C-Right	The Crusher
C-Down	Punisher
C-Left	Thunderbolt
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