Game Genie Code

NFL Quarterback Club 98 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Hidden Message
Select the New Orleans Saints as a team and begin a game at the Superdome. Then, begin an instant replay and press Z to enter camera mode. Now press L to pan up to look at the right side of either goal to find the phrase “Get Back On The Bus John-Boy… Its Our Game Now”, in reference to John Madden.

Cheat Codes
Enter one of the following codes at the cheat menu to activate the corresponding cheat function…

Eight downs8DWNDRV
Tall skinny playersBBMNTBL
Super defenseBGBFYDF
Stronger receiversBGBFYFF
Further divesBGSPRDV
Spinning recieverBGTWSTRS
Better quarterbackBRDWYNMTH
Farther jumpsCRLLWYS
Infinite downsDWNDRV
Slow-motion modeFRMBYFRM
Large playersGLYTHMD
Fumble modeGTNHNDS
Constant fumblesGTNHNDS
Short playersJPNSMWR
Instant passesLDSTRTRK
Disable all cheatsLLCHTSFF
Poor defenseLLDFSCK
Poor offenseLLFFSCK
Ball tipped on passesLWYSTPSS
Fast playersMCHLJNSN
Constant divesMNFLDMD
Never tackleNBCTCKLS
Crawling playersPBYBYMD
Poor playersPWHYRMN
Strong, but slow running backsRNLDSWZNGR
Small playersSMLMDGT
Sled modeSNWSLDS
100 yard passes, kicks, and puntsSPRBGRMS
Always tackleSPRDPRTCKL
Slippery fieldSPRSLYD
Super playersSPRTMMD
Turbo runningSPRTRBMD
Acclaim and Iguana teamsSTNTXTM
Easier catchesSTYCKYHNDS
No fumblesTGHTGRP
Poor quarterbackTRNTDLFR
Stronger running backsWLTRPYTN
Electric football modeYLCTRCFB
Maximum discipline and awareness statsYNSTYNS
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