Game Genie Code

NFL Blitz - GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for NFL Blitz on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Home Team Infinite Turbo812ADD98 42C8
Home Team Scores 50802ADF4F 0032
Away Team Infinite Turbo812ADD6C 42C8
Away Team Scores 50802ADF57 0032
Infinite Turbo P1 & P2802997BB 0003
Fast Turbo Running P1802997E7 0001
Big Head P18029975B 0001
Huge Head P1802997CB 0001
No Head P180299803 0001
Headless Team P18029977B 0001
Team Big Players P18029975F 0001
Team Tiny Players P180299763 0001
Fast Passes P1802997E3 0001
Invisible P1802997D7 0001
Random Play Choice P1802997DF 0001
Late Hits P1802997CF 0001
Allow Stepping Out of Bounds P1802997F7 0001
P1 Character Modifier812AE044 0000
812AE046 00??
Fast Turbo Running P2802997E7 0002
Big Head P28029975B 0002
Huge Head P2802997CB 0002
No Head P280299803 0002
Headless Team P28029977B 0002
Team Big Players P28029975F 0002
Team Tiny Players P280299763 0002
Fast Passes P2802997E3 0002
Invisible P2802997D7 0001
Random Play Choice P2802997DF 0002
Late Hits P2802997CF 0002
Allow Stepping Out of Bounds P2802997F7 0002
Fast Turbo Running P1 & P2802997E7 0003
Big Head P1 & P28029975B 0003
Huge Head P1 & P2802997CB 0003
No Head P1 & P280299803 0003
Headless Team P1 & P28029977B 0003
Team Big Players P1 & P28029975F 0003
Team Tiny Players P1 & P280299763 0003
Fast Passes P1 & P2802997E3 0003
Invisible P1 & P2802997D7 0001
Random Play Choice P1 & P2802997DF 0003
Late Hits P1 & P2802997CF 0003
Allow Stepping Out of Bounds P1 & P2802997F7 0003
Power-Up Defense802997AF 0001
Power-Up Blockers802997EF 0001
Power-Up Teammates802997B3 0001
Power-Up Speed802997EB 0001
Hide Receiver Name8029976B 0001
Big Football80299767 0001
Turn Off Stadium802997DB 0001
No First Downs802997C7 0001
No Punting802997BF 0001
Fog On8029977F 0001
Thick Fog80299797 0001
Show More Field80299753 0003
Night Game80299777 0001
Tournament Mode80299793 0003
Weather: Snow802997A3 0001
Weather: Rain8029976F 0001
Weather: Clear802997FF 0001
Lights Out802997A7 0001
Super Field Goals802997FB 0001
Show Field Goal %8029978F 0001
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code
00 – Mark Turmell
01 – Pinky
02 – Daniel
03 – Van
04 – Jason
05 – Japple
06 – Jenifr
07 – Gentil
08 – Luis
09 – Raiden
0A – Root
0B – Shinok
0C – Skull
0D – Thug
0E – Sal
0F – Forden
10 – Carltn
11 – Mike
12-1E ???
1F – Grinch
20 – ???
21 – LT
22-27 ???
28 – Guido
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