Game Genie Code

Mortal Kombat 4

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Mortal Kombat 4 on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Health P1

Infinite Health P2

1 Round To Win P1

99 Wins P1

Infinite Credits

Infinite Time

Play As Goro P1

Play As Noob Saibot P1

Big Head Mode

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Menu
Enter the options screen and highlight the “Continues” selection. Then, hold Block + Run until the word “Outstanding” is spoken and the cheat menu appears. Now the following cheat options will be available. Note: Only one of the following cheat options can be used at a time…

Enable the “Endings” option on the cheat menu. Then to see a character’s ending, start a game in arcade mode and defeat just one character.

Fatalities 1
Enable the “Fatalities 1” option on the cheat menu. Then to finish your opponent, hold Down and press High Punch. This will let any character perform their first fatality.

Fatalities 2
Enable the “Fatalities 2” option on the cheat menu. Then to finish your opponent, hold Down and press High Punch. This will let any character perform their second fatality.

Level Fatalities
Enable the “Level Fatalities” option on the cheat menu. Then to finish your opponent, hold Down and press High Punch. This will let any character perform their level fatality.

Play as Meat
Enter “Group Mode” and beat the game with all sixteen characters. After this has been accomplished, select any character and begin a match. Then your character will play as Meat with all the moves of the character that was selected.

Play as Goro
Beat the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the “Cheat menu” code. Then, select the “Invisible” icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press Up(3), Left to highlight Shinnok’s icon, then press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by default).

Alternatively, beat the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the “Cheat menu” code. Then, select the “Invisible” icon at the bottom of the character selection screen and hold C-Down. Press Up(3), Left, and hold C-Left until “Choose Your Destiny” is heard.

Play as Noob Saibot
Beat the game with Reiko and save the game. Then, enable the “Cheat menu” code. Then, select the “Invisible” icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press Up(2), Left to highlight Reiko’s icon, then press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by default).

Alternatively, beat the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the “Cheat menu” code. Then, select the “Invisible” icon at the bottom of the character selection screen and hold C-Down. Press Up(2), Left, and hold C-Left until “Choose Your Destiny” is heard.

New Weapon
Beat the game with Kai. Then, start a new game with Kai and his weapon will be Raiden’s lighting staff.

Alternate Costumes
At the character selection screen, highlight a fighter, hold Block and press any button two times to rotate their select screen picture and enable their second costume, except for Sonya and Tanya. The select screen pictures must be rotated three times for those characters. Rotate any other character’s picture three times to enable their third costume.

Alternate Weapons
Enable a character’s third costume to fight with their alternate weapon.

Kombat Kodes
Enter one of the following codes at the versus mode screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. There are two three-digit icon boxes at the bottom of the screen. The first icon in each box is controlled with Low Punch, the second with Block, and the third with Low Kick.

Effect                                  Kode
One-Hit Win	                        123 123
Noob Saibot Mode	                012 012
Red Rain (On the Rain Stage)	        020 020
Explosive Kombat	                050 050
Drawn Weapons Can Not Be Lost	        002 002
Disable Throws	                        100 100
Disable Max Damage	                010 010
Disable Yhrows and Max Damage	        110 110
Random Weapon Appears	                111 111
Start with Random Weapon	        222 222
Start with Weapons Drawn	        444 444
Many Weapons	                        555 555
Silent Kombat	                        666 666
Big Heads	                        321 321
Fight in Goro's Lair (Spike Pit)	011 011
Fight in The Well (Scorpion's Stage)	022 022
Fight in Elder God's (Blue Face) stage	033 033
Fight in Tomb Stage	                044 044
Fight in Rain Stage	                055 055
Fight in Snake Stage	                066 066
Fight in Shaolin Temple	                101 101
Fight in Living Forest	                202 202
Fight in Prison (Fan Stage)	        303 303
Fight in Ice Pit	                313 313

GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Mortal Kombat 4 on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Time8010511B 0063
No Time8010511B 0000
Infinite Character Select Time80126F73 0014
No Character Select Time80126F73 0000
Fight Word Always Repeating8111DEBE 0001
Always Fight Position Modifier (P1 & P2 Novice Only)81104F9A 00??
Kombat Kode Modifier81126F6E 00??
Blood Enabled Modifier800493B5 00??
Rumble Pak Enabled Modiifer800493B4 00??
Player 1 Codes
Infinite Health810FE0D8 0001
810FE0DA 0000
75% HealthD00FE0D9 0001
810FE0D8 0000
D00FE0D9 0001
810FE0DA C000
50% HealthD00FE0D9 0001
810FE0D8 0000
D00FE0D9 0001
810FE0DA 8000
25% HealthD00FE0D9 0001
810FE0D8 0000
D00FE0D9 0001
810FE0DA 4000
One-Hit KillD00FE0D9 0001
810FE0D8 0000
D00FE0D9 0001
810FE0DA 0001
No Health810FE0D8 0000
810FE0DA 0000
Infinite Run81104FCC 0001
81104FCE 0000
No Run81104FCC 0000
81104FCE 0000
Infinite Credits810F8506 0063
No Credits810F8506 0000
Always Meat81126F42 0001
Never Meat81126F41 0000
Character Modifier800FE293 00??
Costume Modifier8104A4E2 00??
Total Wins Modifier810FE27E 00??
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Health81126F54 0001
81126F56 0000
75% HealthD1126F55 0001
81126F54 0000
D1126F55 0001
81126F56 C000
50% HealthD1126F55 0001
81126F54 0000
D1126F55 0001
81126F56 8000
25% HealthD1126F55 0001
81126F54 0000
D1126F55 0001
81126F56 4000
No Health81126F54 0000
81126F56 0000
One-Hit KillD1126F55 0001
81126F54 0000
D1126F55 0001
81126F56 0001
Infinite Run81105080 0001
81105082 0000
No Run81105080 0000
81105082 0000
Infinite Credits810F84BA 0063
No Credits810F84BA 0000
Always Meat81126F46 0001
Never Meat81126F46 0000
Character Modifier80126E8F 00??
Costume Modifier8104A4E6 00??
Total Wins Modifier810FE09E 00??
Cheat Menu Options
Endings Off80048CBF 0000
Endings On80048CBF 0001
Fatalities 1 Off80048CC3 0000
Fatalities 1 On80048CC3 0001
Fatalities 2 Off80048CC7 0000
Fatalities 2 On80048CC7 0001
Level Fatalities Off80048CCB 0000
Level Fatalities On80048CCB 0001
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character & Move Modifier Codes
00 – Scorpion
01 – Raiden
02 – Sonya
03 – Liu Kang
04 – Sub-Zero
05 – Fujin
06 – Shinnok
07 – Reiko
08 – Quan Chi
09 – Tanya
10 – Kitana, (Use in 2 Player Mode ONLY)
0A – Reptile
0B – Kai
0C – Jarek
0D – Jax
0E – Johnny Cage
0F – Goro
11 – Noob Saibot
Quantity Digits to Accompany Costume Modifier Codes
0 – Normal
1 – First
2 – Second
3 – Third
Quantity Digits to Acompany Fight Postiton Modifier Codes
01 – 1st
02 – 2nd
03 – 3rd
04 – 4th
05 – 5th
06 – Goro
07 – Shinnok
Quantity Digits to Acompany Kombat Kode Modifier
0000 – Nothing
0001 – Kode 2-Throwing Disabled
0002 – Kode 1-Free Weapon
0004 – Kode 3-Armed And Dangerous
0008 – Kode 4-Silent Kombat
0010 – Kode 5-Explosive Kombat
0020 – Kode 6-Random Weapons
0040 – Kode 7-No Power ??
0080 – Kode 8-Many Weapons
0100 – Kode 9-Ranper Kombat
0400 – Kode 11-Weapon Kombat
0800 – Kode 13-Noob Saibot Mode
1000 – Kode 14-Red Rain
2000 – Kode 15-Maximum Damage Disabled
4000 – Kode 26-Unlimited Run
Quantity Digits to Acompany Blood Code Modifier
00 – Disabled
01 – Enabled
Quantity Digits to Acompany Rumble Pak Codes Modifier
00 – Disabled
01 – Enabled
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