Game Genie Code

Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Codes
At the main menu, press L, C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Up, C-Down to display the “Cheats Menu”. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Invisible Rider
Enter “INVISORIDER” as a code.

Get some air, then hold R and enter one of the following codes to perform the corresponding move…

Move	          Code
Nac Nac	          Z
No Hands No Feet  Down, Z
No Hands	  Left, Right, Z
Side Prone	  Up, Z
Can Can	          A
Recliner	  Down, A
Cliffhanger	  Left, Right, A
Scorpion	  Up, A
One Foot Can Can  B
Surfer	          Down, B
Super Mac	  Left, Right, B
Rodeo	          C-Down
Saran Wrap	  Down, C-Down
Toe Clip	  Up, C-Down
Fender Grab	  C-Left
Backflip	  Up, C-Left
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