Game Genie Code

International Superstar Soccer 64

Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for International Superstar Soccer 64 on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Master Code – Must Be On

Away Team Scores 9 Goals
8011A9BF 0009

Player 1 always has a score of 9
800A583A 780A

Home Team Scores 0 Goals
80119F2B 0000

Dead Ball

Player 2 always has a score of 0
800A585E 300A

Constantly running Ball

Inf Creation Points

Player 2 always has a score of 9
800A585E 780A

Crazy Scoring!

Away Team Scores 0 Goals
8011A9BF 0000

Home Team Scores 9 Goals
80119F2B 0009

Player 1 always has a score of 0
800A583A 300A

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for International Superstar Soccer 64 on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Team 1 Score 0

Team 1 Score 50

Team 2 Score 0

Team 2 Score 50

Unlock All-Stars

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Bonus Teams
At the title screen, press Up, L, Up, L, Down, L, Down, L, Left, R, Right, R, Left, R, Right, R, B, A, hold Z + Start. If you entered the code correctly, the announcer will say “What an incredible comeback!”. Now choose the “All Stars” from the team selection screen to select the Euro Stars A, Euro Stars B, Asian Stars, African Stars, All American Stars and World Stars teams. These teams normally appear only after the game is completed in League Mode. Note: Only two additional teams are available in the Japanese version of the game.

Big Headed Players
At the title screen, press C-Up(2), C-Down(2), C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, B, A, hold Z + Start. If you entered the code correctly, the announcer will say “Goal”.

Additional Moves
When sprinting in any direction let go of everything and immediately tap Chip.

Stand still and hold C-Left.

Joot Moves
Keep tapping C-Down when running or standing still.

Rising Kick
Hold Back after the ball is kicked.

Sinking Kick
Hold Forward after the ball is kicked.

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