Game Genie Code

Iggy’s Reckin’ Balls - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Bonus Characters
Finish each race in first place to unlock a bonus character.

Full Boost
Tap Jump while on a boost platform.

Cheat Menu
At the opening screen, press R + Z. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function…

Code	           Effect
HAPPYHEADS	   All Characters
ENTAROADUN	   Iggy's Girlfriend and No Other Characters
JUMPAROUND	   Level Select [Note]
ICEPRINCESS	   Ice Platforms
GOOEYGOOGOO	   Gooey Platforms
GOOEYICEPRINCESS   Icy and Gooey Platforms
SWOPSHOP	   Mix and Match Mode
2TIMES	           Turbo Mode
GOBABY	           Full Turbos
ROLFHARRIS	   Black and White Mode
PENCIL	           Pencil and Ink Mode
OHMY	           Random Bombs
TOOMUCHFUN	   Bouncy P0ysics on Your Balls
MICROBALLS	   Tiny Reckin' Balls
TOOMUCHPIE	   Fat Reckin' Balls
NONSTOP	           Non-Stop Roller Ball
2ROKTOO	           Enable Turok 2 Graphic Effect Engine

Note: Pause the game to access the level selection option.
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