Game Genie Code

Hot Wheels Turbo Racing

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

TowJam Car
At the main menu, press C-Up, C-Down, Z, R, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, C-Down.

Infinite Turbos
At the main menu, press C-Right, Z, C-Up, C-Down, R, C-Left, Z, C-Right.

Race at Night
At the main menu, press C-Up(2), C-Down(2), C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right.

Mirrored Tracks
At the main menu, press Z, R, Z(2), R, Z(2).

Stealth Mode
At the main menu, press C-Left, Z(2), C-Up, C-Left, R, C-Down, C-Up.

Wire Frame Mode
At the main menu, press C-Up, Z, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, Z, C-Down, C-Left.

All Cars and Tracks
Enter “_WYVW2LVDW VTXWWVWWWF”, “_WYVVZCVDV VTXVVVVVVN”, or “_WYZKZ1VDD OTX1TRGHSV” as a password to unlock all cars and tracks. Note: “_” indicates a space.

Bonus Cars and Tracks
Enter “99T8DTY8VD D7BDDDDDD2” as a password. Alternatively, win the Hot Wheels Cup.

Additional Bonus Cars
Enter “9PTNPTFN6P NMQPPNPPPL” as a password.

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