Game Genie Code

Dark Rift

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Dark Rift on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Enable Demitron

Enable Sonork

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Play as Sonork
At the title screen when the word “Start” appears, press L, R, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Play as Demitron
At the title screen when the word “Start” appears, press A, B, R, L, C-Down, C-Up. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Play Against Demitron
At the title screen when the word “Start” appears, press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, B(3), C-Up. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now a special Demitron vs. Demitron match will begin.

View Character Endings

    Enter one of the following controller actions at the title screen when the word “Start” appears to view the ending for the corresponding character…
  • Aaron: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), C-Left.
  • Demonica: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), C-Up.
  • Demitron: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, L(2), C-Down.
  • Eve: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), C-Right.
  • Gore: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), C-Down.
  • Morphix: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), B.
  • Niiki: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, R(2), A.
  • Scarlet: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, L(2), C-Left.
  • Sonork: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, L(2), C-Up.
  • Zenmuron: Press Up, C-Left, R, Right, Down, L(2), C-Right.

Game Shark Codes

Game Shark Codes

  • 8004C1D1 0009
    9 Rounds
  • 80049DF4 0001
    Enable Demitron
  • 80049DF0 0001
    Enable Sonork
  • 800B6331 0002
    2 Rounds Won Player 1
  • 800B6343 0002
    2 Rounds Won Player 2
  • 890B6331 0002
    GS Button for 2 Rounds Won Player 1
  • 890B6343 0002
    GS Button for 2 Rounds Won Player 2

Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it below and we’ll update the list.

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