Game Genie Code

Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Conker’s Bad Fur Day on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Supersprint Conker
800CC738 4080

Unlock All Levels
800EA136 00FF

Infinite Health
800CC8BA 0006

Chocolate Overload
D1042DA4 0800
810D2876 0606

Infinite Oxygen
800CC7A2 0001

Pots of cash
810D256A 270F

P1 Moonjump
D0042DA4 0008
810CC710 41FF

Character Modifier – Player 1
800D255F 00XX

P1 Size Modifier
50004004 0000

Real Matrix Mode
D1042DA4 2000
810CC738 3E00
D1042DA4 0010
810CC738 3F80

Unlock Debug screen
800EA134 00FF

Unlock Weasels, Zombies, Conker, Neo Conker, villagers in Race
810EA132 FFFF

Unlock Gregg, Tedi Leader and Captain in Multi
810EA130 FFFF

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Conker’s Bad Fur Day on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Health P1

Infinite Health P2

Infinite Health P3

Infinite Health P4

Stop Timer

Infinite Lives

Infinite Cash

Infinite Air

Unlock All Levels And Chapters

Unlock All Characters

Press C Up And Z To Make Conker Glide

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Barn Boys Chapter
Enter “PRINCEALBERT” as a code to unlock the Barn Boys chapter.

Bats Tower Chapter
Enter “CLAMPIRATE” as a code to unlock the Bats Tower chapter.

Sloprano Chapter
Enter “ANCHOVYBAY” as a code to unlock the Sloprano chapter.

Uga Buga Chapter
Enter “MONKEYSCHIN” as a code to unlock the Uga Buga chapter.

Spooky Chapter
Enter “SPANIELSEARS” as a code to unlock the Spooky chapter.

It’s War Chapter
Enter “BEELZEBUBSBUM” as a code to unlock the It’s War chapter.

The Heist Chapter
Enter “CHOCOLATESTARFISH” as a code for extra money and to unlock The Heist chapter.

All Chapters & Scenes
Enter “WELDERSBENCH” as a code to unlock all chapters and scenes.

Have 50 Lives
Enter “BOVRILBULLETHOLE” as a code.

Easy Mode
Enter “EASY” as a code.

Very Easy Mode
Enter “VERYEASY” as a code.

Debug Mode
Enter “XFYHIJERPWAL IELWZS” as a code. This code allows the game to be played in debug mode on Nintendo 64 development systems. It has no useful function in the retail version of the game.

Play as Conker in Multi-player Mode
Enter “WELLYTOP” as a code to unlock Conker in multi-player mode.

Play as Neo Conker in Multi-player Mode
Enter “EASTEREGGSRUS” as a code to unlock Neo Conker in multi-player mode.

Play as Gregg the Grim Reaper in Multi-player Mode
Enter “BILLYMILLROUNDABOUT” as a code to unlock Gregg the Grim Reaper in multi-player mode.

Play as Weasel Henchmen in Multi-player Mode
Enter “CHINDITVICTORY” as a code to unlock Weasel Henchmen in multi-player mode.

Play as Cavemen in Multi-player Mode
Enter “EATBOX” as a code to unlock Cavemen in multi-player mode.

Play as Sergeant and Tediz Leader in Multi-player Mode
Enter “RUSTYSHERIFFSBADGE” as a code to unlock Sergeant and Tediz Leader in multi-player mode.

Play as Zombies and Villagers in Multi-player Mode
Enter “BEEFCURTAINS” as a code to unlock Zombies and Villagers in multi-player mode.

Use Frying Pan in Multi-player Race Mode
Enter “DUTCHOVENS” as a code.

Use Baseball Bat in Multi-player Race Mode
Enter “DRACULASTEABAGS” as a code.

New Death Animation in Single Multi-player Mode
Enter “SPUNKJOCKEY” as a code. Use a chainsaw or katana to cut a Tediz head off in the War level for a Matrix-type death animation.

Funny Comments
Enter an obscene word as a code to hear funny comments.

Infinite Tails
Find the hook on a sign in level 2. Intentionally die to start the hook tutorial. The hook will now have a tail for extra lives. Take the tail and return to level 1. Return and another tail will appear on the same hook. Repeat to get as many lives as needed.

Skip Introduction Sequence
Press Reset as soon as the Nintendo 64 is tunred on. Press Start when Conker cuts the Nintendo 64 logo to advance to the starting menu.

See Banjo’s Head
Turn to the options screen in “Cock and Plunker”. Look above the fireplace to see Banjo’s head.

See Kazooie’s Head
Go to the chapter selection screen and play any level. Before the level starts, you will be able to see Kazooie’s head on the umbrella-like object when the screen fades.

Conker Being Bored
Let Conker stand without doing anything and he will start to do things like play with a yoyo, drink something, and pull out a Game Boy. When he pulls out a Game Boy, press R to go into first person mode to watch him play Killer Instinct. Do not move or Conker will put it away.

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