Game Genie Code

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness - Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Have Storeroom Key
801CC030 0001

Have Rose Brooch
801CC02D 0001

Have Special Crystal 2
801CC018 0001

Have Deck Key
801CC035 0001

Have Magical Nitro
801CC025 0001

Infinite Gold
811CC012 2710

Have Thorn Key
801CC037 0001

Have Winch lever
801CC029 0001

Have infinite Purifying
801CC01D 0001

Have Oldreys Diary
801CC02A 0001

Have Crest Half A
801CC02B 0001

Have Mandragora
801CC026 0001

Have Clocktower Key D
801CC039 0001

Have Left Tower Key
801CC02F 0001

Have Special Crystal 3
801CC019 0001

Have Chamber Key
801CC033 0001

Have Rose Garden Key
801CC01A 0001

Have infinite Healing kit
801CC01C 0001

Have Archives Key
801CC02E 0001

Have Clocktower Key B
801CC040 0001

Have Powerup
801CC01F 0001

Have Crest Half B
801CC02C 0001

Have infinite Moon Cards
801CC028 0001

Have Clocktower Key A
801CC03F 0001

Have Contract
801CC024 0001

Have Wall key
801CC03D 0001

Have Clocktower Key E
801CC03E 0001

Have infinite Cure Ampoule
801CC01E 0001

Have Garden Key
801CC031 0001

Have infinite beef
801CC01B 0001

Have Special Crystal 1
801CC017 0001

Have Control Room Key
801CC03C 0001

Have Art Tower Key 1
801CC03A 0001

Have infinite chicken
801CC01A 0001

Have Clocktower Key C
801CC038 0001

Infinite Health
811CC00A 2710

Have Execution Key
801CC034 0001

Have infinite Sun Cards
801CC027 0001

Infinite Red Jewels
801CC015 0064

Have Copper Key
801CC032 0001

Have Art Tower Key 2
801CC03B 0001

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