Game Genie Code

Blast Corps

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Blast Corps on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Infinite Hydraulics Sidesweeper

Infinite Missiles Motor Bike

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Bonus Courses
Complete all missions and find all six scientists to unlock two bonus courses. The objective of the first bonus mission is to clear a town of all objects in order to allow a space shuttle to make an emergency landing. The objective of the second bonus mission is to clear all buildings off the Moon. A third bonus mission is accessible only after a perfect score is achieved.

Quick Explosion
Drive your vehicle (the Backlash works well) right next to an obstacle and press Z. Then, the driver will yell and not exit the vehicle because it is too close to the obstacle. Continue to hold Z until the obstacle explodes. Now use this method to destroy buildings that require demolition by TNT or other non-standard methods. Note: You cannot use this trick on the bonus courses or in the PAL version of the game.

Quick Start
When the last beep is heard as the light is turning green, press Accelerate.

Ghost Vehicle
After completing a course, select a different vehicle and play that course again. Now you will be racing against a ghost version of your previous vehicle.

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