Game Genie Code

Beetle Adventure Racing

Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Beetle Adventure Racing on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Unlock all Difficulties
8002CFFB 0003

Unlock Horn Cheat
8002D018 0001

Unlock Environment Cheat
8002D013 0001

Unlock Time Attack Bonus Boxes Cheat
8002D011 0001

Unlock Stadium (Multiplayer)
8002D002 0001

Unlock Airport (Multiplayer)
8002D000 0001

Unlock Field of View Cheat
8002D017 0001

Unlock all Tracks
8002CFF3 0006

Unlock all Cars
8002CFF7 000B

Unlock Woods (Multiplayer)
8002D008 0001

Unlock Health Cheat
8002D00B 0001

Unlock ? mode cheat
8002D010 0001

Unlock Ladybug Colour Change Cheat
8002D00A 0001

Unlock Handbrake Power Cheat
8002D01A 0001

Unlock Power-ups Cheat
8002D00C 0001

Unlock Track Music Cheat
8002D019 0001

Unlock Castle (Multiplayer)
8002D003 0001

Unlock Breakables Cheat
8002D012 0001

Unlock Number of Ladybug’s Cheat
8002D009 0001

Unlock Ice Flows (Multiplayer)
8002D004 0001

Unlock Radar Cheat
8002D00E 0001

Unlock Time Limit Cheat
8002D00D 0001

Unlock Parkade (Multiplayer)
8002D001 0001

Unlock Cars Cheat
8002D014 0001

Unlock Handicap Player 2 Cheat
8002D015 0001

Unlock Dunes (Multiplayer)
8002D006 0001

Unlock Roof Tops (Multiplayer)
8002D007 0001

Unlock Damage Cheat
8002D00F 0001

Unlock Colour Change Cheat
8002D016 0001

Unlock Volvano (Multiplayer)
8002D005 0001

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Beetle Adventure Racing on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

All Cars

All Tracks

? Mode Cheat

Breakables Cheat

Cars Cheat

Castle Track (Multi)

Color Change Cheat

Damage Cheat

Dunes (Multi)

Environment Cheat

Field of View Cheat

Handbrake Power Cheat

Handicap – Two Player Cheat

Health Cheat

Horn Cheat

Ice Flows (Multi)

Ladybug Color Change Cheat

Number of Lady Bugs Cheat

Power-ups Cheat

Radar Cheat

Rooftops (Multi)

Time Attack Bonus Boxes Cheat

Time Limit Cheat

Track Music Cheat

Volcano (Multi)

Woods (Multi)

Low Timer

All Difficulties

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Option
Begin a game in one player championship mode on the Coventry Cove track. Locate the shortcut near the barn with two haystacks. Intentionally drive into the haystack closest to the track and hit the Daisy Box hidden inside. If done correctly, the word “Groovy” will appear. Then, complete the race. A “Cheats” selection will now appear on the options screen.

Novice Level Bonus Cars
Successfully complete Novice tracks to unlock a racing striped Beetle, the #8 Beetle, and the Lightning Beetle.

Advanced Level Bonus Cars
Successfully complete Advanced tracks to unlock the #8 Beetle with a spoiler, the Lightning Beetle with a spoiler, and the Flower Beetle.

Alien Beetle
Successfully complete the Professional Championship.

Bonus Mode
Successfully complete all the standard Championships to unlock a bonus mode.

Police Beetle
Successfully complete the bonus mode to unlock the Police Beetle. Hold C-Left while driving that car to turn on the siren. This will cause the other racers to slow and stop.

Quick Start
At the start of a race, quickly press L when “Go” appears. If done correctly, your car will begin the race at over 40 mph.

Daisy Box Locations

  • Coventry Coves Daisy Boxes
    There are two hay stacks where the barn is located. The one nearest to the road contains a Daisy Box.

    Shortly after that barn is another shortcut leading into a lot of stones. Some of them are on top of each other. The last one on the left that has three stones on top of each other and has a Daisy Box on the other side of it.

    After the town (and after the jump) is a crane. Look behind your car while you are passing it. There is an opening in a big stone wall large enough for your car. Drive through the opening to find a Daisy Box.

  • Inferno Isle Daisy Boxes
    Hit the last hut before the finish line (along the small path to the left). Run over the Daisy Box to unlock the Beetle Battle Time Limits cheat.

    Before the Jurassic Park is a shortcut to the right. Follow the shortcut and slow down while you are approaching the big hut so while you are in the air from the jump you can put on your handbrakes. If done correctly, you can stay on the wooden platform that the hut is on. Break open the hut and on the far right of the platform is a Daisy Box.

    In the town, the first shortcut on the right has two small jumps. On the second jump, hold Analog-Stick Left because there is an opening there. If you land on top of it, drop your car on the roof of the building, where another Daisy Box is located.

  • Metro Madness Daisy Box
    Take the shortcut to the left of the barricade after the first tunnel. Break through the glass doors in the center of the first building on the left. After reaching the railroad tracks, turn around and go backwards on the tracks. Your car will eventually hit a Daisy Box.

    Far through the race are few tunnels. After coming out of the one that curves hard three times, the road is straight. After a short distance, you can see two nitro blasts that are close to each other on a hill and one that is not. Approach the one on the hill, but do not hit it. Instead, turn left into a bridge between two shortcuts. Inside, there is a Daisy Box.

  • Mount Mayhem Daisy Boxes
    Locate the ski fest in the town. There is a hole in the short little wall where you can go through into a jump. Jump in at such an angle to get on a pretty flat piece of land that is way left of where the hole is. You probably will hit the wall, but if you go backwards far enough you will find a Daisy Box.

    After a big jump inside some type of a crystal cave, there is a large orange bridge that slopes down and goes back up. After the bridge is a tunnel. Look behind you at the end of the tunnel to see a Daisy Box. Turn around and run over it.

  • Sunset Sands Daisy Boxes
    At the beginning of the race, go right and drive through a space in between two tall rocks. Continue up the hill of sand it turns flat to find a Daisy Box.

    When you turn on the game, it will display a shortcut for each course. Remember the Sunset Sands shortcut that is shown has a Daisy Box. In the shortcut, the Daisy Box is in a tight space which turns harshly and then has a jump onto a straight and flat surface followed by another jump. Once you land use the handbrake and turn right, facing the wall. Drive up to it and turn right again. Drive forward until you reach the Daisy Box.

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