Game Genie Code

Banjo-Kazooie - Action Replay Codes [EU]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Banjo-Kazooie on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

Turn Banjo into a Pumpkin all the time
8037DB58 0003

Infinite Air
8038696E 000B

Have Blubbers Gold
80386973 00FF

Turn Banjo into a Bumble Bee all the time
8037DB58 0006

8037E693 0001

8037E697 0001

8037E691 0001

Moon Jump With L
D0285735 0020
8137CE8C 43E0

Total Notes All Areas
803869D1 0064
803869D3 0064
803869D5 0064
803869D7 0064
803869D9 0064

Infinite Eggs
80386947 00FF

8037E694 0001

Have all Eyries Caterpillars
8038699B 00FF

Infinite Jigsaws
803869AB 00FF

8037E695 0001

Paddle in Air
8037C931 0001

Can walk normal in Piranha Water/Hot Sand
8037CBB3 0000

Infinite Gold Feathers
80386953 00FF

Take off anywhere – hold D-pad up and press A
D0285734 0008
8037CBA1 0001

Stop Timers with Jigsaws
80386913 00FF

Have Blue Present
80386993 00FF

Infinite Lives
8038696B 0009

Turn Banjo into a Termite all the time
8037DB58 0002

8037E692 0001

Have all Chimpys Oranges
80386977 00FF

Press R to position camera behind Banjo
D0285734 0010
8037DA47 0009

Infinite Red Feathers
8038694F 00FF

8037E690 0001

Turn Banjo into a Walrus all the time
8037DB58 0004

Have Green Present
8038698F 00FF

Walk in Water
8037C931 0000

Shock spring anywhere – D-pad down and press B
D0285734 0004
8037CBA2 0002

Yumblies Counter: Mr Vile
8038697C 00FF

Yumblies Counter: Banjo
8038697B 00FF

Have Red Present
80386997 00FF

Turn Banjo into a Crocodile all the time
8037DB58 0005

Have Running Shoes
8137CA88 5019

Infinite Health
80386963 0008
80386965 0001

Extra 100 Notes
803869DB 0064

Stop Engine Room Timer
8038691F 00FF

Zero Time Total Time
813869E0 3000

Infinite Skulls
803869A7 0008

Pumpkin Sound FX
8037DB58 0004

Have Wading Boots (not visible)
8137CA80 5019

Infinite Notes
80386943 00FF

Kazooie’s Head Sticks Out
8037DC08 0001

Must Be On Codes
DE000400 0000
8124C628 1700
812874C4 1700
812D3F80 1300

Walk during Cutscenes
8037D040 0000

8037E696 0001

Have all Nabnuts Acorns
8038699F 00FF

Turn Banjo into a Washing Machine all the time
8037DB58 0007

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