Game Genie Code

Metroid: Zero Mission - CodeBreaker Codes [EU]

The following are known CodeBreaker Codes for Metroid: Zero Mission on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.

  • Enable Code (Must Be On)
    0000DFAD 000A
    100009C0 0007

Have Weapon Codes

  • Long Beam
    2300153C 0101
  • Ice Beam
    2300153C 0202
  • Wave Beam
    2300153C 0404
  • Unknown Weapon (Plasma)
    2300153C 0808
  • Charge Beam
    2300153C 1010
  • Bombs/Power Bombs
    2300153C 8080
  • All Weapons & Bombs
    8300153C 9F9F

Have Suits & Misc Codes

  • Enable Unknown Items & Gravity Suit 1
    83001542 0001
  • Play As Samus With No Suit 2
    83001542 0002
  • Morph Ball
    2300153E 4040
  • Hi Jump Boots
    2300153E 0101
  • Speed Booster
    2300153E 0202
  • Unknown Misc Item (Space Jump)
    2300153E 0404
  • Screw Attack
    2300153E 0808
  • Power Grip
    2300153E 8080
  • Varia Suit
    2300153E 1010
  • Unknown Suit (Gravity Suit)
    2300153E 2020
  • All Suits & Misc Items
    8300153E FFFF
  • Max Health
    83001530 0513
  • Infinite Health
    83001536 0513
  • Max Missiles
    83001532 03E7
  • Infinite Missiles
    83001538 03E7
  • Max Super Missiles
    33001534 00C7
  • Infinite Super Missiles
    3300153A 00C7
  • Max Power Bombs
    33001535 0063
  • Infinite Power Bombs
    3300153B 0063
  • Walk Thru Walls 3
    74000130 02EF
    E30013E6 001E
    74000130 01DF
    E30013E6 FFE2
  • Press Up+A To Jump Thru Ceilings
    74000130 03BE
    E30013E8 FFE2
  • Fall Thru Floors 4
    74000130 007F
    E30013E8 001E
  • Mega Jump
    74000130 03FE
    E30013EC 0009
  • Super Dash Sooner
    730013DE 0001
    830013DE 00A0
  • Super Dash Always Charged
    330013DC 0077


  • Do not use it with the Play As Samus With No Suit code on.
  • Do not use it with the Enable Unknown Items & Gravity Suit code on.
  • Hold L+R, then Press Left or Right.
  • Hold L+R, then Press Down.

Always Shot Modifier Codes

    Only use one of these codes at a time.
  • Always Shoot Charged Shots & Misc Codes
    73000A30 8448
    83000A30 8490
    73000A30 8478
    83000A30 84C0
    73000A30 8460
    83000A30 84A8
    73000A3A 0102
    83000A3A 0702
  • Shoot Missiles Instead Of Regular Shots
    83000A3A 0C02
  • Shoot Super Missiles Instead Of Regular Shots
    83000A3A 0D02
  • Shoot Power Bombs Instead Of Regular Shots
    83000A3A 0F02
  • Translate Most Of Game To Japanese!
    33000C4F 0001
  • Unlock Hard Mode & Time Attack
    83000C4C FFFF
    33000C4E 0001
    83000C50 0101
  • Press Select For Room Modifier (In Tubes)
    74000130 03FB
    33000056 00??
  • Press Select For Area Modifier (In Tubes) 1
    74000130 03FB
    33000054 00??
  • Stop Annoying Beeping When Life Is Low
    33001541 0000
  • Have All Scanned Maps 2
    33001540 00FF
  • Unlock Gallery
    83000014 0001
  • Unlock Fusion Gallery
    83000016 0001
  • Unlock Original Metroid+Sound Test
    83000018 0004
  • Shoot Charged Pistol Shots
    73001542 0002
    83000A3A 0B02
  • Time To Escape
    8300095E 0000
  • Unlock Time & Item Status (Map Screen)
    33000024 0001
  • 100% Completion Rate
    3300175D 0064
  • Always Get Best Ending
    3300175C 0063
  • No Alarm Stealth Mission
    830056EC 0000
    830001A8 0000
  • Most Enemies Don’t Attack Or Move (Press Select)
    74000130 03FB
    430001A4 00FF
    00000007 0038
  • Invincible
    830013DA 0001
  • 0 Game Time
    83000150 0000
    83000152 0000
  • Music Modifier 3
    73001D1C 00??
    83001D20 0100
    83001D22 00??


  • 00 – Brinstar
    01 – Kraid
    02 – Norfair
    03 – Ridley
    04 – Tourian
    05 – Crateria
    06 – Chozodia
  • For some reason, when you open the map menu, the current map your on will not appear scanned at all. Just toggle (Press Select) through the maps to make that map complete. ALso you’ll have to do this again if close and reopen the map.
  • 00 – No Music
    01 – Brinstar
    02 – Title Screen
    03 – Save
    04 – Unknown
    05 – Ancient Smusic?
    06 – Norfair
    07 – Kraid
    08 – Escape Music
    09 – Original Metroid Title Screen
    0A – Unknown
    0B – Tourian (After Beating Mother Brain)
    0E – Chozo Ruins
    12 – Same Has 5
    14 – Ending? Cutscene Number 1
    19 – Samus’s Theme Music
    1A – True Ending Part 1
    1B – Credits
    41 – Ridley Boss Music 1
    43 – Final Battle?
    45 – Spotted
    46 – Chozodia
    48 – Mother Brain
    49 – Infiltrate
    4A – Weapons Upgrade
    4B – Ridleys Boss Music 2
    4D – Ridleys Boss Music 3

Original Metroid Codes

  • Infinite Health
    83007306 6999
  • Max Health
    3203C877 0006
  • Max Missiles
    3203C879 00FF
  • Infinite Missiles
    3203C879 00FF
  • Press A For Moon Jump
    74000130 03FE
    83007508 00FC
  • Have All Upgrades (Freeze Gun, Screw Attack, Etc.)
    3203C878 00FF
  • Infinite Escape Time
    8300730A 9999
  • Reset Game Timer
    3203C87D 0000
    8203C87E 0000
  • Play Without Suit
    3203C9B3 0001
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