Game Genie Code

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known Code Breaker Codes for LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.

  • Master Code – Must Be On
    00006F51 000A
    10011D78 0007
  • Force Codes

  • Infinite Force For Story E1/Free Mode E2 And E3
    8200DCE8 2710
  • Max. Force For Story E1/Free Mode E2 And E3
    8200DCEA 2710
  • Infinite Force For Story E2 And E3/Free Mode E1
    820090BC 2710
  • Max. Force For Story E2 And E3/Free Mode E1
    820090BE 2710
  • Health Codes

  • Infinite Health For Story E1/Free Mode E2 And E3
    8200DCD4 03E8
  • Max. Health For Story E1/Free Mode E2 And E3
    8200DCD6 03E8
  • Infinite Health For Story E2 And E3/Free Mode E1
    820090A8 03E8
  • Max. Health For Story E2 And E3/Free Mode E1
    920090AA 03E8
  • Score Codes

  • Max. Kills
    83006ED0 03E7
  • Max. Amount of Lasers Deflected
    83006ECE 03E7
  • Max. Lego Pieces Collected (During The Level)
    83006ECC 03E7
  • Overall Score
    83006AA0 0320
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