Game Genie Code

Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known Code Breaker Codes for Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.

  • Master Code – Must Be On
    0000AB64 000A
    1000026E 0007
  • Infinite Money
    82004090 FFFF
  • Max Money
    82004090 E0FF
    82004092 5F5E
  • Never Negative On Balance Sheet
    82004194 0000
    82004196 0000
  • OTHER: 1D Earned Highest Amount
    820040A4 FFFF
    820040A6 FFFF
  • OTHER: 1D Used Highest Amount 0
    820040A8 0000
    820040AA 0000
  • Tomorrow’s Weather Modifier
    32004E18 000?
    You may check it through the weather channel of your TV in the game.
    • 0: Sunny (All Festivals)
    • 1: Rain (Spring To Autumn)
    • 2: Snow (Winter)
    • 3: Hurricane (Summer: Cannot Go Out)
    • 4: Blizzard (Winter: Cannot Go Out)
  • Do not use the following two codes at the same time.

  • Have All Sickles, Hoes, Axes, And Hammers In Tool Box
    42002958 6300
    00010020 0002
  • Have All Items, Seeds, Fishing Rods, And Water Cans (No Tools)
    42002958 6320
    00010031 0002
  • Tool Box Item Modifier Codes

  • Slot 1
    82002958 XX??
  • Slot 2
    8200295A XX??
  • Slot 3
    8200295C XX??
  • Slot 4
    8200295E XX??
  • Slot 5
    82002960 XX??
  • Slot 6
    82002962 XX??
  • Slot 7
    82002964 XX??
  • Slot 8
    82002966 XX??
  • Slot 9
    82002968 XX??
  • Slot 10
    8200296A XX??
  • Slot 11
    8200296C XX??
  • Slot 12
    8200296E XX??
  • Slot 13
    82002970 XX??
  • Slot 14
    82002972 XX??
  • Slot 15
    82002974 XX??
  • Slot 16
    82002976 XX??
  • Slot 17
    82002978 XX??
  • Slot 18
    8200297A XX??
  • Slot 19
    8200297C XX??
  • Slot 20
    8200297E XX??
  • Slot 21
    82002980 XX??
  • Slot 22
    82002982 XX??
  • Slot 23
    82002984 XX??
  • Slot 24
    82002986 XX??
  • Slot 25
    82002988 XX??
  • Slot 26
    8200298A XX??
  • Slot 27
    8200298C XX??
  • Slot 28
    8200298E XX??
  • Slot 29
    82002990 XX??
  • Slot 30
    82002992 XX??
  • Slot 31
    82002994 XX??
  • Slot 32
    82002996 XX??
  • Slot 33
    82002998 XX??
  • Slot 34
    8200299A XX??
  • Slot 35
    8200299C XX??
  • Slot 36
    8200299E XX??
  • Slot 37
    820029A0 XX??
  • Slot 38
    820029A2 XX??
  • Slot 39
    820029A4 XX??
  • Slot 40
    820029A6 XX??
  • Slot 41
    820029A8 XX??
  • Slot 42
    820029AA XX??
  • Slot 43
    820029AC XX??
  • Slot 44
    820029AE XX??
  • Slot 45
    820029B0 XX??
  • Slot 46
    820029B2 XX??
  • Slot 47
    820029B4 XX??
  • Slot 48
    820029B6 XX??
  • Slot 49
    820029B8 XX??
  • Slot 50
    820029BA XX??
  • Slot 51
    820029BC XX??
  • Slot 52
    820029BE XX??
  • Slot 53
    820029C0 XX??
  • Slot 54
    820029C2 XX??
  • Slot 55
    820029C4 XX??
  • Slot 56
    820029C6 XX??
  • Slot 57
    820029C8 XX??
  • Slot 58
    820029CA XX??
  • Slot 59
    820029CC XX??
  • Slot 60
    820029CE XX??
  • Slot 61
    820029D0 XX??
  • Slot 62
    820029D2 XX??
  • Slot 63
    820029D4 XX??
  • Slot 64
    820029D6 XX??
  • Item Modifiers
    XX = Value | ?? = Item

    • 00: Sickle
    • 01: Copper Sickle
    • 02: Silver Sickle
    • 03: Gold Sickle
    • 04: Mystrile Sickle
    • 05: Cursed Sickle
    • 06: Blessed Sickle
    • 07: Mythic Sickle
    • 08: Hoe
    • 09: Copper Hoe
    • 0A: Silver Hoe
    • 0B: Gold Hoe
    • 0C: Mystrile Hoe
    • 0D: Cursed Hoe
    • 0E: Blessed Hoe
    • 0F: Mythic Hoe
    • 10: Axe
    • 11: Copper Axe
    • 12: Silver Axe
    • 13: Gold Axe
    • 14: Mystrile Axe
    • 15: Cursed Axe
    • 16: Blessed Axe
    • 17: Mythic Axe
    • 18: Hammer
    • 19: Copper Hammer
    • 1A: Silver Hammer
    • 1B: Gold Hammer
    • 1C: Mystrile Hammer
    • 1D: Cursed Hammer
    • 1E: Blesed Hammer
    • 1F: Mythic Hammer
    • 20: Water Can
    • 21: Copper Water Can
    • 22: Silver Water Can
    • 23: Gold Water Can
    • 24: Mystrile Water Can
    • 25: Cursed Water Can
    • 26: Blesed Water Can
    • 27: Mythic Water Can
    • 28: Fishing Rod
    • 29: Copper Fishing Rod
    • 2A: Silver Fishing Rod
    • 2B: Gold Fishing Rod
    • 2C: Mystrile Fishing Rod
    • 2D: Cursed Fishing Rod
    • 2E: Blesed Fishing Rod
    • 2F: Mythic Fishing Rod
    • 30: Cow Miracle Potion
    • 31: Sheep Miracle Potion
    • 32: Turnip Seeds
    • 33: Potato Seeds
    • 34: Cucumber Seeds
    • 35: Strawberry Seeds
    • 36: Cabbage Seeds
    • 37: Tomato Seeds
    • 38: Corn Seeds
    • 39: Onion Seeds
    • 3A: Pumpkin Seeds
    • 3B: Pineapple Seeds
    • 3C: Eggplant Seeds
    • 3D: Carrot Seeds
    • 3E: Sweet Potato Seeds
    • 3F: Spinach Seeds
    • 40: Green Pepper Seeds
    • 41: Grass Seeds
    • 42: Moon Drop Seeds
    • 43: Pink Cat Seeds
    • 44: Magic Red Seeds
    • 45: Toy Flower Seeds
    • 46: Brush
    • 47: Milker
    • 48: Clipper 1
    • 49: Bell
    • 4A: Animal Medicine
    • 4B: Blue Feather
    • 4C: Pedometer
    • 4D: Teleport Stone
    • 4E: Gem of The Goddess
    • 4F: Gem of The Kappa
    • 50: Gem of Truth
    • 51: FF Turnip (No Use)
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