Game Genie Code

Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. - Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known CodeBreaker Codes for Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.

  • Master Code – Must Be On
    00000000 0002
    10001482 0007
  • Always Invincible
    3300799F 0063
  • Infinite Lives
    3300795A 0063
  • Always Have Fireballs
    33007956 0002
  • Always Able To Break Blocks
    33007954 0000
  • Press L+R+Up To Freeze Timer
    74000130 00BF
    32000F75 0060
  • Press L+R+Down To Restart Timer
    74000130 007F
    32000F75 009D
  • Fireballs Are Unstoppable!
    73007224 8400
    83007224 0100
    73007224 0084
    83007224 0001
  • Level Modifier
    33007960 00??
  • Coin Modifier (00-62)
    3300795E 00??
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