Game Genie Code

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance - Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known CodeBreaker Codes for Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.

  • Master Code – Must Be On
    943C1122 ED31
    7E55ABC4 4216
    44D854F6 1B29
  • Start With 99 Mill
    F8816940 E101
    376E140F B6E4
    F8816940 E101
    37EE4907 B1E1
  • Quick Level Up
    CA05B788 9334
  • Super Jump
    D0000020 0001
    3200046D 0000
  • Infinite Jumps (After Equipping Sylph Feather)
    3200043A 0001
    Note: Do not turn on until you’ve selectd your file.
  • Quick Save Option Modifier
    3200030D 00??
    Note: 00 to Disable | 17 to Enable
  • Can Move During Cutscenes
    32000404 0000
    3200001B 0000
  • Debug Mode (Reset After Starting Game)
    880007A4 200D
  • Rare Ghost Always Appears In Clock Tower B (Hold L When Entering Room)
    D0000020 0200
    32000F22 0001
    Note: The rare ghost is a enemy that rarely pops up. With this code, though, it will appears everytime. It is located in the room directly below the Teleport room in Clocktower B. The code needs some adjustment because right now you can’t kill the ghost.
  • All Enemy Info In Encyclopedia
    42018854 FFFF
    00000018 0002
  • Relics Codes

  • All Relics
    C468D51B ABE9
    BB272AE1 17F4
  • Always Have Modifier Codes
    Only use one of these codes at a time…

  • Dagger
    3B9C682C 7023
  • Axe
    0998E8E4 4203
  • Cross
    0B9CE8AC 5223
  • Holy Water
    319A4866 2403
  • Bible
    339E482E 3423
  • Fist
    019AC8E6 0603
  • Infinite HP
    87F7CB83 B672
  • Max HP
    07EE9507 9765
  • Infinite MP
    BBB53711 9A7E
  • Max MP
    3FEC6985 B361
  • Infinite Heart
    33AE1597 BF6D
  • Max Heart
    0FECE905 9361
  • Max STR
    8BB5B791 BA7E
  • Max DEF
    B3B71713 9E7E
  • Max INT
    83B79793 BE7E
  • Max LCK
    BBB56B11 9A7A
  • Have Items Codes

  • Potion
    F6EE151B FF2D
  • High Potion
    F4EA1553 EF2D
  • Elixir
    C6EE959B DF2D
  • Mana Prism
    C4EA95D3 CF2D
  • Big Mana Prism
    FEEC3519 FB2D
  • Drumstick
    FCE83551 EB2D
  • Turkey
    CEECB599 DB2D
  • Anti-Venom
    CCE8B5D1 CB2D
  • Uncurse Potion
    F6EE491B FF29
  • Medicine Jar
    F4EA4953 EF29
  • Lure Key
    C6EEC99B DF29
  • Skull Key
    C4EAC9D3 CF29
  • Floodgate Key
    FEEC6919 FB29
  • Castle Map 1
    FCE86951 EB29
  • Castle Map 2
    CEECE999 DB29
  • Castle Map 3
    CCE8E9D1 CB29
  • Hint Card 1
    F2AE150B F725
  • Hint Card 2
    F0AA1543 E725
  • Hint Card 3
    C2AE958B D725
  • Hint Card 4
    C0AA95C3 C725
  • Hint Card 5
    FAAC3509 F325
  • Hint Card 6
    F8A83541 E325
  • Noon Star
    CAACB589 D325
  • Opal
    C8A8B5C1 C325
  • Turquoise
    F2AE490B F721
  • Sapphire
    F0AA4943 E721
  • Ruby
    C2AEC98B D721
  • Diamond
    C0AAC9C3 C721
  • Have All Items
    F6EE17A3 7735
    4ED76AE4 4710
  • Have Equipment Codes

  • All Whip Parts
    766E15A7 3AE0
  • Body Codes

  • Leather Armor
    CAACE989 D321
  • Rubber Armor
    C8A8E9C1 C321
  • Field Armor
    B7E7163B 7F3C
  • Plate Armor
    B5E31673 6F3C
  • Cloth Tunic
    87E796BB 5F3C
  • Bronze Armor
    85E396F3 4F3C
  • Rock Leather
    BFE53639 7B3C
  • Cuirass Armor
    BDE13671 6B3C
  • Padded Armor
    8FE5B6B9 5B3C
  • Puff Coat
    8DE1B6F1 4B3C
  • Parade Armor
    B7E74A3B 7F38
  • Chain Mail
    B5E34A73 6F38
  • Scale Armor
    87E7CABB 5F38
  • Healing Mail
    85E3CAF3 4F38
  • Guardian Armor
    BFE56A39 7B38
  • Fire Mail
    BDE16A71 6B38
  • Brigandine
    8FE5EAB9 5B38
  • Ancient Armor
    8DE1EAF1 4B38
  • Heavy Armor
    B3A7162B 7734
  • Plate Mail
    B1A31663 6734
  • Double Mail
    83A796AB 5734
  • Sun Armor
    81A396E3 4734
  • Moon Armor
    BBA53629 7334
  • Battle Armor
    B9A13661 6334
  • Walk Armor
    8BA5B6A9 5334
  • Silver Armor
    89A1B6E1 4334
  • Ceramic Armor
    B3A74A2B 7730
  • Magical Armor
    B1A34A63 6730
  • Kaiser Armor
    83A7CAAB 5730
  • Casual Wear
    81A3CAE3 4730
  • Summer Clothes
    BBA56A29 7330
  • T-Shirt
    8BA5EAA9 5330
  • Thin Robe
    89A1EAE1 4330
  • Fancy Clothes
    F6E7171B FF3C
  • Loose Clothing
    F4E31753 EF3C
  • Ramail Coat
    C6E7979B DF3C
  • Blizzard Robe
    C4E397D3 CF3C
  • Noble Robe
    FEE53719 FB3C
  • Mystical Robe
    FCE13751 EB3C
  • Lightning Robe
    CEE5B799 DB3C
  • War Fatigues
    CCE1B7D1 CB3C
  • Ancient Robe
    F6E74B1B FF38
  • Special Goods Codes

  • JB’s Bracelet
    F6E74B1B FF38
  • Night Goggles
    F4E34B53 EF38
  • MK’s Bracelet
    C6E7CB9B DF38
  • Crush Boots
    C4E3CBD3 CF38
  • Head Codes

  • Fancy Bandana
    FEE56B19 FB38
  • Sturdy Turban
    FCE16B51 EB38
  • Plain Circlet
    CEE5EB99 DB38
  • Leather Cap
    CCE1EBD1 CB38
  • Cloth Helmet
    F2A7170B F734
  • Leather Helmet
    F0A31743 E734
  • Sallet
    C2A7978B D734
  • Bicocette
    C0A397C3 C734
  • Greek Helm
    FAA53709 F334
  • Face-Guard
    F8A13741 E334
  • Piros Helm
    CAA5B789 D334
  • Barbuta
    C8A1B7C1 C334
  • Guardian Helm
    F2A74B0B F730
  • Armet
    F0A34B43 E730
  • Bascinet
    C2A7CB8B D730
  • Silk Hat
    C0A3CBC3 C730
  • Barrel Helmet
    FAA56B09 F330
  • Morion
    F8A16B41 E330
  • Kettle Hat
    CAA5EB89 D330
  • Iron Helmet
    C8A1EBC1 C330
  • Full Helmet
    35F854BF 4A2B
  • Cabacete
    07FCD477 7A2B
  • Pot Helm
    05F8D43F 6A2B
  • Silver Tiara
    3FFE74F5 5E2B
  • Steel Helmet
    3DFA74BD 4E2B
  • Viking Helm
    0FFEF475 7E2B
  • Gold Headband
    0DFAF43D 6E2B
  • Platinum Crown
    37FC08F7 5A2F
  • Red Silk Hat
    35F808BF 4A2F
  • Hands Codes

  • Leather Gloves
    07FC8877 7A2F
  • Gauntlets
    05F8883F 6A2F
  • Gloves
    3FFE28F5 5E2F
  • Hard Gloves
    3DFA28BD 4E2F
  • Guardian Glove
    0FFEA875 7E2F
  • Arm Guards
    0DFAA83D 6E2F
  • Arm Plates
    33BC54E7 5223
  • Bloody Glove
    31B854AF 4223
  • Steel Glove
    03BCD467 7223
  • Legs Codes

  • Leather Boots
    01B8D42F 6223
  • Shin Guards
    3BBE74E5 5623
  • Ankle Guards
    39BA74AD 4623
  • Bronze Boots
    0BBEF465 7623
  • Guardian Boots
    09BAF42D 6623
  • Iron Boots
    33BC08E7 5227
  • Greaves
    31B808AF 4227
  • Leggings
    03BC8867 7227
  • Silver Boots
    01B8882F 6227
  • Floating Boots
    3BBE28E5 5627
  • Platinum Shoes
    39BA28AD 4627
  • Infinite Boots
    0BBEA865 7627
  • Goods Codes

  • Silk Cloak
    09BAA82D 6627
  • Velvet Cloak
    76FC55D7 DA2B
  • Emerald Cloak
    74F8559F CA2B
  • Wind Cloak
    46FCD557 FA2B
  • Crimson Cloak
    44F8D51F EA2B
  • Ninja Cloak
    7EFE75D5 DE2B
  • Twilight Cloak
    7CFA759D CE2B
  • Wristband
    4EFEF555 FE2B
  • Bangle
    4CFAF51D EE2B
  • Kaiser Knuckle
    76FC09D7 DA2F
  • Silver Bangle
    74F8099F CA2F
  • Crested Band
    46FC8957 FA2F
  • Pendant
    44F8891F EA2F
  • Lucky Charm
    7EFE29D5 DE2F
  • Gold Necklace
    7CFA299D CE2F
  • Magic Necklace
    4EFEA955 FE2F
  • Medusa Pendant
    4CFAA91D EE2F
  • Heart Choker
    72BC55C7 D223
  • Greed Amulet
    70B8558F C223
  • Mystic Brooch
    42BCD547 F223
  • Cipher’s Charm
    40B8D50F E223
  • Mirror Pendant
    7ABE75C5 D623
  • Lucky Ring
    78BA758D C623
  • Holy Ring
    4ABEF545 F623
  • Rare Ring
    48BAF50D E623
  • Chaos Ring
    72BC09C7 D227
  • Nova Ring
    70B8098F C227
  • Logoth’s Ring
    42BC8947 F227
  • Heaven’s Ring
    40B8890F E227
  • Aurora Ring
    7ABE29C5 D627
  • Earth Ring
    78BA298D C627
  • Have All Equipment
    CAACEB31 5B39
    76DC9466 6305
  • Spell Book Codes

  • All Spells
    C66CD553 BBE9
  • Secret Info Codes

  • Have Encyclopedia
    B9232AA9 07F4
  • All Enemy Info
    B765084B 9EE0
    4ED736E4 4714
  • Have All Collectibles
    8923AA29 27F4
    B3350A5B 97FB
    83258A63 33F4
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