Game Genie Code

Bubble Bobble: Old & New - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Bubble Bobble New – Super Mode
Choose a saved game file, then go to the Bubble Bobble New title screen. Press Right, R, Left, L, Select, R, Select, L.

Bubble Bobble Old – Original Mode
Choose a saved game file, then go to the Bubble Bobble Old title screen. Press L, R, L, R, L, R, Right, Select.

Bubble Bobble Old – Power-Up Mode
Choose a saved game file, then go to the Bubble Bobble Old title screen. Press Select, R, L, Left, Right, R, Select, Right.

Bubble Bobble Old – Super Mode
Choose a saved game file, then go to the Bubble Bobble Old title screen. Press Left, R, Left, Select, Left, L, Left, Select.

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