Game Genie Code

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).
These codes were also known as GameShark Codes and in most cases will work on both devices.

These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.

    Master Code – Must Be On

    Infinite Health

    Have All moves

    Always Play as Banjo

    Always Play as Mouse

    Always Play as Candle

    Always Play as Tank

    Always Play as Octopus

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Special Moves

    Get the following moves from the indicated level…
  • Battery Gun: Bad Magic Bayou (press L + B + R)
  • Climb: Cliff Farm (press Up on anything climbable)
  • Dive: Cliff Farm (press R in bubbling water)
  • Drill Bill: Bad Magic Bayou (press A + L)
  • Fire Gun: Freezing Furnace (hold L + B and press R(3)
  • Flap Flip: Breegul Beach (press L + A)
  • Fly: Breegul Beach (press A (2))
  • Forward Roll: Cliff Farm (press B while moving)
  • Ice Gun: Spiller’s Harbor (hold L + B and press R(2))
  • Kazooie Gun: Breegul Beach (press L + B)
  • Pack Whack: Spiral Mountain (press B)
  • Rat-a-tat Rap: Bad Magic Bayou (press A + B)
  • Shock Spring: Spiller’s Harbor(press A while standing on a green pad)
  • Talon Trot: Breegul Beach (press L + R)
  • Wonderwing: Spiller’s Harbor(press A while standing on a red pad)

Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known CodeBreaker Codes for Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.

  • Master Code – Must Be On
    00001FDE 000A
    10003228 0007
  • Infinite Life
    32001057 0008
  • Max Life
    32001059 0008
  • Stop Timer
    32036056 0032
    32036058 0032
    3203F93B 0032
    Note: There are times when you will need to disable this code as the timer will be required to run.
  • Infinite Eggs
    32001052 0019
  • Infinite Explosive Eggs
    32001053 0019
  • Infinite Ice Eggs
    32001054 0019
  • Infinite Fire Eggs
    32001055 0019
  • Infinite Golden Feathers
    32001056 0019
  • Infinite Air
    3200105A 0005
  • Notes 600/600
    82001050 0267
  • Bozzeye 15/15
    3200104B 000F
  • Hollow Honeycombs 12/12
    32001045 000C
  • Jiggies 60/60
    32001046 003C
  • Level Codes

    Spiral Mountain Codes

  • Notes Found 100/100
    32000FD2 0064
  • Jinjos Found 5/5
    32000FD1 0005
  • Bozzeye 1/1
    32000FD4 0001
  • Hollow Honeycombs Found 2/2
    32000FCD 0002
  • Jiggies Found 10/10
    32000FCC 000A
  • Cliff Farm Codes

  • Notes Found 100/100
    32000FE6 0064
  • Jinjos Found 5/5
    32000FE5 0005
  • Bozzeye 3/3
    32000FE8 0003
  • Jiggies Found 10/10
    32000FE0 000A
  • Hollow Honeycombs Found 2/2
    32000FE1 0002
  • Baby Chickens 5/5
    32000FE4 0005
  • Breegull Beach Codes

  • Notes 100/100
    32000FFA 0064
  • Jinjos 5/5
    32000FF9 0005
  • Bozzeye 4/4
    32000FFC 0002
  • Jiggies 10/10
    32000FF4 000A
  • Hollow Honeycombs 2/2
    32000FF5 0002
  • Blue Shells 5/5
    32000FF7 0005
  • Bad Magic Bayou Codes

  • Notes 100/100
    3200100E 0064
  • Jinjos 5/5
    3200100D 0005
  • Bozzeye 3/3
    32001010 0003
  • Jiggies 10/10
    32001008 000A
  • Hollow Honeycombs 2/2
    32001009 0002
  • Skull Tokens 1/1
    32001011 0001
  • Cliff Farm Codes

  • Notes Found 100/100
    32000FE6 0064
  • Jinjos Found 5/5
    32000FE5 0005
  • Bozzeye 3/3
    32000FE8 0003
  • Jiggies Found 10/10
    32000FE0 000A
  • Hollo HoneyCombs Found 2/2
    32000FE1 0002
  • Chick Found 5/5
    32000FE4 0005
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